Tommy: Lex, I'm sorry.

Alexa: Let's.. go!

He unlocked the car and watched her jump in, he had made her mad and knew it.

Tommy walked over and got into the drivers seat as he glimpsed over to Lexi and saw that she wasn't looking at him, she was avoiding to look at him and watched out the window.

They both then headed back to the hotel and went up to their room where it was a silent ride up and walk inside.

Lexi walked straight into the bathroom and closed the door as Tommy just stood there as he knew that he messed it all up.

He wanted to knock and try to figure things out, but he knew that it would start something huge.

After a couple minutes standing by the door, Tommy couldn't hear anything and walked to the bed.

He sat down on the side of the bed and thought for a bit until he heard the door open.

Lexi walked out in her pajamas and got onto her side of the bed.

Putting her phone on the charger, she went to lay down until he stopped her.

Tommy: Lex, can we talk?

Alexa: ...

Tommy: Please?

Alexa: Oh now you wanna talk?

She sat up and looked frustrated as she was visibly upset.

Tommy: I'm sorry about tonight.

Alexa: ...

Tommy: I didn't stick to my promise.

Alexa: You didn't. I wanted to talk to you about something serious.

He then was all ears if she wanted to talk then.

Tommy: Do you want to talk now?

Alexa: Fine..

She got up and crawled to the side of the bed and sat close next to him.

Being very serious as she was, Tommy gave her all of his attention.

Alexa: I want to talk about us.

Tommy: What about us?

Alexa: Us, maybe moving to the next level.

Tommy: Next level? Were married.

Alexa: I know.

She cracked a smile but got more serious.

Alexa: I saw your list a while ago.

Tommy: My list?

He had to think for a second but knew what she was talking about.

Tommy: Yeah, now I know.

Alexa: I saw it one day before we got engaged and read it. I'm sorry.

Tommy: It's ok, but go on.

Your Moment With Bliss (Alexa Bliss × OC) [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن