2. Wolf's Blood

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Father had accepted to be king's hand. I had pleaded with my mother for him not to take it, but he didn't listen. When he made up his mind there was no turning back. I was going to King's Landing because I was the oldest girl, though I really wanted to stay behind and be with Robb. But as father had said it was not be discussed.

I stood in my room leaning on a table and staring ahead. When I heard Shade snarling at the door next to me, I turned instantly. The door opened and the one who stepped in the room was my twin Robb. I sighed deeply and as he stepped inside I ran to him and hugged him. I was so scared it was going to be Theon. Or Jaime. He hugged me and rubbed my upper back.

"Robb I don't want to go, I want to stay here with you," I sobbed onto his shoulder. He drew back from the comforting hug and I wiped my tears. I didn't want anyone to see me vulnerable. Robb stroked my cheek gently.

"I will miss you sister. But you need to leave. Get married to a handsome and young lordling and have many children."

Robb's words were as kind as his smile, but I did not want to. I did not want to have a family or children. That life was not for me. Something else was. I just knew that I had my destiny written in somewhere else. Maybe in a piece of paper, somewhere.

The door opened again. It was father.

"Robb, do you mind leaving us alone?" he asked and Robb did as he was told. He nodded and walked out of the room. I walked to my bed and sat down and father followed me. He grabbed my hands and held them in a tight grip. I frowned and tried to lock our gazes.

"What is it?" I asked and father breathed deeply before answering. I had a bad feeling about this.

"You know how Sansa is going to marry Joffrey?" he asked and looked me in my eyes. I nodded gently. I didn't like where this was going.

"King Robert wanted to make sure our houses are together and as the oldest daughter you need to marry as well," he explained and I was feeling like tears were burning my eyes. I didn't want to hear it. Who was I going to marry? The imp? I shook my head and almost burst into cries.

"He wants for you to marry Jaime Lannister."

It took me aback. I was going to marry who? "But father, aren't there some kind of laws to prevent this? He is part of the King's guard, is he not?"

"Robert does not care of the Targaryen laws. Jaime Lannister is not part of the King's guard anymore. Now he is just a Lord. I cannot work my way around this Lya... I am sorry," father whispered. He leaned his head on mine, and hugged me. I was able to hold back tears. It was Jaime Lannister. He was handsome. It could be worse. I could be marrying Joffrey. I rather marry his uncle.

"I'm... fine," I whispered dryly. Father looked at me confused. "I will marry him. It's fine, it does not matter. It is my duty."

"Are you sure you are alright, Lyanna?"

I squinted my eyes and turned to him," Why did you name me Lyanna? How did you know I would grow up to look like her? That is impossible to know."

"Oh Ly, I wanted to respect her memory. You do look like my sister, but you are completely different. I am still surprised how beautiful you are," father whispered hoarsely. He stroked my cheek and stood up from the bed. "Even though you marrying an oath breaker breaks my heart, I am sure he will keep you safe. I am sure Jaime Lannister has that amount of honor. And if not, you'll change him."

I smiled softly to his kind words. Ned Stark walked out of my bed chamber and left me alone. Why would Robert Baratheon marry me to Jaime Lannister? Why did he torment me? Did he just want me close to him at all times? Creeps crawled up my spine over to my neck. Whatever the reason was, I was going to make the best of it.

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