Lost and found

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Y/n pov

Y/n was bruised and cut, they had no idea were they were but they knew it was cold.

Y/n sat next to the dumpster outside of a restaurant like they had for three days now.

Y/n watched as people walked by not seeing the six year old child hiding in the shadows. Almost all of them

A woman saw the child, she felt something.

Y/n had been drifting off to sleep when they felt someone place a hand on their shoulder.

???: are you ok?

Y/n flinched and opened their eyes to look at her.

She was taller than them with sandy blonde hair that darkened into grey at the ends and dark brown eyes.

Y/n: w-what?

???: are you ok?

Y/n looked around, it was getting dark

???: my name is Mary Collins

She looked at y/n and a sad look passed over her face.

Mary pov

Mary knew she couldn't leave them out here on their own, but she was heading to work, and her work was dangerous.

She tried to weigh the pros and cons before she made her decision.

Mary: hey come with me

The kid looked up at her and she saw the painful bruises all over them.

Mary: I have to go to work first but after we can go to my house, we can get you out of the cold and get some food in you.

Y/ns eyes had a tear at the edge, the had the biggest look of relief like they never got food.

She held out her hand

Mary: come with me

This time the child took it and let her pull them up. She led them to her car and strapped them in.

???: I-I'm y-y/n

The managed to stutter out.

Mary: it's nice to meet you y/n

Y/n: what I-is your job that we're going to?

Mary: I'm a scientist, I work at a foundation.

Y/n: a foundation for what?

( Sorry it's real short and not that good but I'm stating off slowly on this one, first SCPs in next chapter, witch one do ya wanna see?

The character Mary Colin's belongs to
Jakerosereaper not me so go check them out . Mary has been slightly changed to go with the story but will be made more like herself soon enough bye bye)

Containment ( SCPs x child reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora