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Joss: I'm here what is this about

Harold: a number detective carter yours

Joss: mine what

John: what why wasn't I informed

Harold: because I have to talk to joss first come on detective this way

(Once in the room)

Joss: what is it Harold

Harold:the baby joss are you going to tell john

Joss: of course why nowof all days

Harold: your doctor Andrew

Joss: yeah what

Harold: he wants you to get back at John because he took his wife away well saved her from him he wants John to feel the pain

Joss: so he know I'm pregnant

Harold: yes but detective we are going to make sure nothing happens to you or the little one

Joss: how I wanted time to be able to tell john in my own way and now

Harold: you still can we have you

Joss: you have to get me out of here so I can one of your safe houses please

Harold: I got you joss but we have to do it when I send them out because you know John won't let you

Joss: yeah I know that

(Harold goes back to the team)

Harold: ok we have here the places his team is at Andrew will be in the left building

John: I'll be right back

(John goes to the room where joss is in)

Shaw: should we stop him

Harold: no not our business


(In the room with John and joss)

Joss: h....John

John: hello joss how are you

Joss: I'm fine

John: that's good

Joss: yeah listen I am grateful for this you doing your job but after this is done John I.... um never mind

John: no what

Joss: I'm leaving New York John

John: no

Joss: yeah I have saved up enough I can leave without really losing anything and Taylor he is in college so I won't be leaving him and it won't leave someone alone

John: me it will leave me alone joss!!!!!!!!

Joss: John calm down please

John: no because I can't lose you now over this not because I..........

Joss: you let me go John and never thought twice so just do it again after this job is done just let me go

(Harold walks in the room)

John: yes Harold

Harold: it's time John to go

John: yeah alright

(He leaves)

Harold: here joss I am going to get you to my private plane and you are going to Spain alright and then when you are ready you can come back

Joss: thanks Harold

Harold: no thank you joss for being a great coworker and friend

(They leave the house and get to the airport)

Harold: by detective we will miss you

Joss: I'm sorry I got you in a bad place

Harold: John won't understand

Joss: no he won't but thank for acting like you do

Harold: yeah

(Joss turns and leaves )

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