The Arrival

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It was my 11th birthday. My party had just ended, and now it was time for presents from Mum and Dad. "Oh, shoot", said my father. "We're out of milk". My parents left to go to the supermarket, and I was left alone with my big brother and my little brother. I was the only girl. I sloped off to read my book.

"We're home!", yelled my mother, announcing their arrival. I put down my book and went into the kitchen to greet them. They were carrying a large cardboard box and a shopping bag. "So, can I have my presents now?", I ask. "It's in the cardboard box" they reply. I walk over to the bow and a loud "Woof" erupts from it. I open the lid, awwww. Mum and Dad have gotten me a puppy.

We put him down on the floor.

We put him down on the floor

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