A Video Game Idea

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Okay so it's like a mix of horror and action I guess. Like sorta dungeon styled where you make your way through different rooms with monsters in some of them and items as well with the goal to defeat the final boss so you can leave.

Game Mechanics: You start with an old wooden sword and an old lantern. You need to collect oil in order to keep your lantern burning, as the house has no power. As you go through the house, you can find better quality weapons and matches and oil. The monsters are like bats in the way that they can't see, but they have great hearing. But are like shadows so aah, scary. Being in the dark doesn't kill you, but it makes the game practically impossible. The controls would be kinda like granny for the moving around and mine craft for the fighting aspect.

Final fight: The music cuts out and your lantern goes out. All you can see are the eyes of the creature. You better have saved a match, or you won't be able to see your enemy.

How-to: You make your way through the rooms, collecting supplies and keys to get into certain rooms to eventually reach the final room. You want to make as little noise as possible in order to keep the monsters from hoarding you. Each monster you kill makes noise, so caution must be exercised.

Levels: There's only one level, but multiple difficulties;

Easy: The monsters rarely attack, oil and matches are abundant.

Normal: Monsters attack regularly, oil and matches are common.

Hard: Monsters attack frequently, oil and matches are scarce, lantern sometimes extinguishes with a gust of wind.

Extreme: Monsters constantly attack, oil and matches are rare, lantern often extinguishes with the wind.

Oh how i wish I knew how to program a game, or compose actually good music, or even design graphics...

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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