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Chivalry as enchanting as it sound, is it real?

Knight in the shining armour, do they really exist?

Sweeping of thy feet as dreamy as it appeals, does that happen?

Falling head over heels for a person, what does it even mean?

Skipped a beat in my heart, what does it even feel like?

Strung the chords of my heart, can it ever happen?

Falling irrevocably in love, is it even humanly possible?

Is everything a child's bedtime story, or the fairy tales of the chosen ones;

Why love doesn't sweep everyone in a fairest manner?

Why does cupid turns blind eye to certain people?

Yes we exist!! among all Fair lord's who foolishly fall in love;

Yes we exist!! to write our own success story..

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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