chapter 3 oh no

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Sarah sequels and ran to Jordan and hugs him

"Hi I'm Sarah Alex's roommate" says Sarah

I just faceplamed "God why this why at this time?" I thought

"I see let me guess your both a fan " guessed Jordan

"No I am Alex dosn"t go online very much" said Sarah

"Says the girl who dosn"t work or help with the rent " I pointed out

She ignored me

"Well I got to go it's nice to see you Alex " said Jordan he walked out of the restaurant

"Aw he didn't bid me a good bye" said Sarah sadly

I sat back down

"Want to take a seat?" I asked I sipped on my hot chocolate and smiled

"No just go get coffee" she mutters and walks away


I was calculating the cost of the rent and food

But I got distracted

"Why would anyone like Jordan I mean...he might have been used as icandy-snap out of it Alex you'll be like his fangirls" I thought

But I clicked on YouTube and grabbed my earphones and plugged them in

I searched up Jordan and nothing came up only some minecraft videos

"Venturiantale" I thought and typed it

There flashed on the screen was a bunch of video's I immediately clicked one if his videos and watched it , I did busted out laughing a few times and smile I never had done this in years but it was interrupted by the screen turning off . I was confused I didn't hit the power button but I turned around to see Sarah holding the plug for the computer

"Back off Alex " says Sarah but harshly and added " your just to...normal for him he won't like you at all"

I was confused I didn't like him

But the question came over my mind

What happened to Sarah and why was she acting like this

venturiantale fanfic) he's just a person  book 2 of (KV)Where stories live. Discover now