Chp 2

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"Goodbye my almost lover, goodbye my hopeless dreammmm"

He sings when he's drunk.

He also get emotional but when you claim you have no emotions, what happens with that pent up energy?

Violence, off key singing and violence.

"Why Skyler! WHAT THE FUCK?! What did i ever do to deserve this?

I need you Skyler. I NEED YOU!"

A bottle smashes into the wall.

"Come back. Please

Come back. Please


He whispers. Before drifting of into the oblivion of sleep.


"Let go of me Elijah. Just let go.

I'll bring you trouble, just forget about me.

go live a happy life and let go.

I didn't want to hurt you


He's drenched in sweat and gasping for breath when he wakes up. Once he gets his breathing under control he remembers his dream. She's really gone and he's still drunk.

Skyler is gone an telling him to move on. Elijah goes into the kitchen, he needs water but before he gets what he needs he sees the knife. The worst possible thing happens.

A depressed drunk with a weapon, starts to think.

{Whats the point anyway? Why should i live? After Skyler there is nothing, she's everything. I want the void to go away. I want the pain to stop. I want to sink into oblivion for good. I need this. My body cant handle this, its caving. I'm caving. What if i die? I wonder what that would feel like.}

He picks it up and places it on his wrist. The coldness of the knife as it touches his skin shocks him. The darkness has taken over. He cant handle it's burden any longer. He's in pain. The shivering knife breaks through his skin slowly. The first barrier shattered. He can feel the tip touching his artery and the blood starting to trickle down. Only one barrier left....

And then he gets a phone call. The first in a long time. He doesn't answer it but he does hear the voice mail recorded.

There in the lifeless kitchen he stands, with a knife in his hand and a pool at his feet. All he sees is red. All he sees is red until, he ears her voice. Her sound echoes through his mind and shatters the madness that's engulfed him. But before he springs into action, before he registers what has happened. He feels the warm trickle of a single tear run down is face and chin. Theres still hope.

Voice message:

"El--Elijah... Save your self"

{It was her! She sounds like shes tired or worse, in pain. Wait theres more..}

"hello there Mr. Archman, don't be alarmed your Skyler is safe here. Well unless you don't find her. Good day"

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