Chapter One

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  • Dedicat lui Michelle Fuller

** Okay just a few author's notes.. I honestly have no clue if there is even a Roosevelt, PA. Its not important to the story.. lol so enjoy. ***

Chapter 1

Michelle Adams clutched her books to her chest as she wandered through the

crowded halls of Roosevelt High. It was her first day at the new school and the beginning of her senior year.

At her former school she was happy, popular even. Now everyone is staring at her like a freak from another planet.

Trying to avert her eyes, she felt the shyness creep into her that she

was definitely not used to. Michelle had reverted into a much more reserved person

when she was in an unfamiliar setting. Her father and mother divorced about three months ago and she moved with her mother here to Roosevelt, Pennsylvania.

Finally reaching her locker, Michelle looked at the combination written on the

small slip of paper in her hand. After her third unsuccessful try at

opening it, she had to repress a growl as she lowered her head in defeat.

Seeing a fist fly by her head, Michelle instinctively ducked as it struck the

door of her locker.

Spinning around in surprise, she encountered an average black-haired boy with a

goofy grin. "Most of these lockers just need a little persuasion of the

forceful variety," he said, offering his hand. "I'm Shawn Harris."

"Michelle Adams," she said with a smile of her own, shaking his hand.

"So, you're the new girl everyone's talking about."

"I was hoping the stares and whispering was my imagination," Michelle said,

depositing half of her books in the locker and slamming the door.

"Nope, we were informed by the broadcast team you were coming." he replied as they began walking down the hall.

"Great," Michelle said with a small grin. "Just what every new girl looks

forward to - being the daily gossip."

"Try weekly," Shawn said with a smile. "We don't get a lot of news by the


Michelle laughed as he reached for her schedule. "Well, you've got most of

your classes with me, and the ones that I'm not in, you've got with Jennifer."


"Yeah, she's my best friend. Really nice, you two should get along just


"Oh, that's-"

Michelle was cut off as she turned a corner and crashed into what felt like a

wall, her books flying everywhere.

"Damnit, woman, watch where you're going!"

Michelle looked up from picking up her books to stare at the leather-clad

tough, brunette who had nearly knocked her off her feet and was now glowering

at her. Standing up to her full five feet, three inches, Michelle gave him a

glare of her own. "Me? You're the one that doesn't know how to walk!"

She narrowed her eyes as he looked her up and down, suddenly wishing she

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