The house elf

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"Owls! Owls! What are owls doing flying in through the window," yelled Uncle Vernon. He continued to stammer about the owl for a few moments until he fell silent. Hedwig had landed on Harry's shoulder and pecked his ear affectionately. He untied the school of parchment from her outstretched leg and red allowed.

That's brilliant Potter.  I am excited to see you and your sister in September.. (Hagrid sends his best regards)
-Professor McGonagall

Aunt Petunia looked at Uncle Vernon with horror etched upon her face.
"We can't have another one, we just can't," she almost sobbed.

The next week passed in a haze of fun and heat. Amelia introduce Harry to all of her new friends that she had made that year. People, who would never have wanted to be seen with a Potter because of Dudley, turned out to be really nice and friendly towards Amelia now that Dudley had left. They went to the park almost everyday and Harry told Amelia all about Hogwarts.

"So your famous. You're the boy who lived. Ha. I wonder what Dudley would have to say about that."Amelia joked as she and Harry spun around and around on the round about.
"He'd probably get Aunt Petunia to draw a scar on his forehead. Just so you know you're famous too,"replied Harry.
"No I'm not am I. Just because I'm you're sister. Are you really that important to them,"Amelia retorted.
"Yeah, because I stopped Voldemort and you didn't." The pair laughed so hard that Amelia almost fell of the round about. They decided to call it a day and trudged along the path that led to Privet Drive.

Aunt Petunia was standing outside- waiting for them to come home.
"Hurry up,"yelled her shrill voice." You need to have had tea and be upstairs by the time the Masons arrive." The Masons were coming. They had forgotten. Mr Mason owned a big building site and was looking for a large amount of drills to buy. Uncle Vernon worked for a company that sold drills and he was hoping to get a rather large order. He had talked of nothing else the whole week.

After wolfing down a small tea the two retreated upstairs.
"Harry,"bellowed Uncle Vernon. Harry walked into the living room. " If anything  goes wrong tonight you won't be going back to that school." Harry just nodded. Himself and Amelia had to make sure everything went perfectly so they could escape. The doorbell rang.
"Go on upstairs!" Uncle Vernon whispered before opening the door.

Amelia stood in the doorway.
"Move everything has to go whoaaa." A small creature was bouncing on Harry's bed, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was no longer alone. It had huge tennis ball sized green eyes and floppy bat ears. He wore only a once white pillow case. It was now covered in mud.
"Erm excuse me. Who are you and what exactly are you doing here?" Harry said cautiously stepping around his sister. The creature finally seemed to notice he had company.
"Mr Harry Potter sir," stammered the creature," It is you. I have heard great things about you. "
"You've heard lies. He isn't that great. " murmured Amelia stepping out from behind Harry. Harry grinned at his little sister. " Thanks Amelia, nice to know what you think of me. "
Amelia started to retort something but the creature interrupted her,"Amelai Potter!"
"Umm ok. So who exactly who are you?"asked Amelia. He stayed there hugging her for a few minutes and the only thing that him back to reality was Hedwig, who was back under lock and key, hooting multiple times. 
"I'm Dobby, Dobby the house elf."
"I don't want to be rude but this isn't a great time because you see..."
"Oh shut up Harry. This house elf may be my only connection to the wizarding world," Amelia interrupted.
"Again nice to know that I'm valued." Amelia shot him a look as if to say stop being a drama queen. Harry immediately went silent. One of the only things he was scared of was his sister when she was annoyed or angry. And that said something considering he had faced the evilest wizard of all time at the age of eleven. Amelia never let anything or any one stand in her way. When she was seven Dudley decided to pick on a girl in her year at school. Amelia had screamed at him so loudly about being mean that even the teachers in the staff room heard and came down to see what was going on. Dudley wasn't allowed out in the playground for two weeks after that, and he couldn't even complain to the Dursleys   because that would result in them finding out what he had done.
"Why on Earth are you in my bedroom though?" Harry questioned.
"Because I need to warn you. You will be in grave danger if you return to Hogwarts, bad things will happen there," squeaked Dobby. Harry's eyes opened with horror.
"What's the danger?" he asked.
"It was....." but the elf stopped speaking. He grabbed the lamp and repeatedly whacked it against his head yelling,"Bad Dobby. Bad Dobby. " Amelia ran and grabbed the lamp out of the elves hands. "Be quiet!" she said sternly. " Is the person that's making danger at Hogwarts Voldemort? You can nod or shake your head. " Dobby shook his head.
" Promise that you won't go back to Hogwarts, either of you. "squeaked the elf urgently. Harry and Amelia looked at each other.
"We cant do that Dobby. We need to go back to Hogwarts. It's my home and Amelia's home to be," Harry not replied."Sorry." Dobby's gaze met Harry's," You want to return to friends who don't even write?" Ron and Hermione hadn't written all summer. Harry had tried to keep busy so he wouldn't think about that. But when he was alone for hours at night, his mid always drifted to his friends who hadn't communicated all summer.
"Wait hang on. How do you know about that? Unless..." Dobby pulled out a pack of letters. When Harrry made to grab for the, he pushed the door open and went onto the landing.
"Do you both promise not to go to Hogwarts?"repeated Dobby. When Harry stayed silent Dobby dived down the stairs. He ran into the kitchen, Amelia and Harry running after him. He stopped and clicked his fingers. Aunt Petunia beautiful dessert that she had worked on for hours levitated.
" Say you promise," he commanded. Amelia shook her head.
"Dobby you know we can't. This isn't our home. We don't belong here!"
"Very well." The dessert flew into the living room where the Dursleys and the Masons were talking. It fell- splattering Mrs Mason and all of the walls in icing.

Uncle Vernon handles the situation quite well saying that Harry and Amelia were Petunias sisters children and ever since there parents death, they found meeting strangers distressing. The deal may have even still happened if the owl hadn't flown in through the chimney.

A great big tawny owl with large amber eyes dropped a letter at Harry's feet. Mrs Mason ran out of the house screaming something about lunatics and Mr Mason stayed long enough to yell, " What are you playing at Dursley? My wife is petrified of owls and one comes flying in from the chimney." Then he stormed out of the house after his wife. Uncle Vernon rounded on Harry and Amelia.
"You!" he roared." rooms now." Harry and Amelia walked grudgingly to the rooms. Before they parted however Amelia mumbled under her breathe," Thank you Dobby."

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