If it were not for his chest, many people would have believed him to be a woman.

Yan Wuming stared at the young man coldly, and the viciousness in his eyes did not decrease at all. His lips curled into a smile, and he said coldly, "I was wondering who just who bold enough to call my directly by my name had come. Turns out it's just protector Zeng. Protector Zeng, you must not be bored enough to just come to check on what I'm doing since you projected yourself here from so far away. Hurry up, and say what you need to say. Once you're done, get out of my territory."

"Hmph, Yan Wuming, so mighty of you. I'm a protector of the cult. I can go wherever I want where the nine armies are present. Just you aren't enough to tell me what to do," protector Zeng said coldly.

"I don't have the time to bicker with you, you unmanly and unwomanly transgender. Hurry up and say what you have to say then get outta here," Yan Wuming said impatiently as a vicious light flickered through his eyes.

"You..." Protector Zeng was furious, and his face paled as a result. He pointed at Yan Wuming angrily, but seeing how fearless Yan Wuming was, he did nothing in the end.

Even if he was present personally, he would not be Yan Wuming's opponent, not to mention the fact that he was only a soul projection right now.

Sucking in a deep breath, protector Zeng forcefully suppressed his anger and said coldly, "I've only come for one matter. Have you captured Godking Duanmu's successor?"

"Hmph, can't you see I'm invading the Divine Kingdom of Three Cauldrons. They have three Godkings. If I'm not watching over the entire operation, my ninth army would be reduced to a wreck by the three of them. Why the hell would I have the time to care about Godking Duanmu's successor? Moreover, he's got nothing to do with me," Yan Wuming said coldly.

Protector Zeng sneered, "Yan Wuming, I'll be honest, it's vice leader Huai An who cares about Godking Duanmu very much. Before long, he'll emerge from seclusion. Once he finds out that Godking Duanmu's successor is still alive and free, he'll lose his temper, I don't think that's something you can bear."

Yan Wuming finally became stern. Clearly, he dreaded the vice leaders of the Empyrean Demon Cult very much.

"Yan Wuming, I've brought the message. What you do is up to you. Farewell," with that, protector Zeng vanished.

Yan Wuming sat on the commander's seat emotionlessly. A light flickered through his eyes as he thought about what he should do. A while later, he passed an order to a general below him, "Liu Shan, take some people and go capture Ling Hougong for me."

Chapter 1822: The Royal Capital of Pingtian

"Yes sir!" A general below stood up and dropped one knee to the ground, accepting the orders with courtesy.

Liu Shan left the divine hall. Without any hesitation, he summoned his vice generals.

"General Liu, what's happening? Are we attacking the royal capital seeing how urgently you've summoned us?" Very soon, two burly men in tight, black robes strode over from afar as a demonic presence churned around them.

Although they seemed like they were just strolling about leisurely, they could easily cross hundreds or even thousands of meters with each step. It was like the distance was nothing more than a few inches.

They were still several kilometers away when they began talking, and it had taken them less than five seconds to finish their words. However, in just that short period of time, they had crossed the distance and appeared before general Liu Shan.

"You must have heard about the matter regarding Godking Duanmu's successor. Just then, protector Zeng personally came to ask about it in the form of a soul projection. As a result, the commander has ordered us to go to the Divine Kingdom of Pingtian to capture Ling Hougong. You two come with me," Liu Shan said to the two. Not only were these two his deputies, but they were also his brothers that had gone through thick and thin with him.

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