Chapter 1

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    My name is Emily, I am 15 years old, I live in Memphis with my parents, Tom and Mary. We live next to my mama's best friend, Gladys, her husband, Vernon, and their son, Elvis. We are originally from Tupelo, Mississippi, but all moved to Memphis a few years ago. Elvis and I are best friends, we have spent our whole lives together.
    Today is Friday, I got ready and met Elvis out in the front yard. We walked to school together like we do every day. When we got to school we went to our lockers that are right next to each other. I was digging through my locker finding the books I needed. Someone slowly closed my locker, I looked over to see Tim Lockwood, the captain of the football team. He is the most popular kid in our school, and has been my crush since kindergarten. "Hi Emily." He smiled.
"Hi Tim." I smiled
"I wanted to say congratulations on making the cheer team this year, I heard you are pretty good." He smiled
"Oh thank you"
"Yeah of course, I was also wondering if maybe you wanted to go out tonight." He asked
"You want to go out with me?"
"Yeah, why not?" He asked leaning up against the lockers.
"I mean I'm nothing special, there are so many other girls at the school that would love to go out with you, and I'm a sophomore you are a senior."  I said quietly
"So who cares, and don't put yourself down, I think you are very pretty, if I'm being honest I've always kind of had a crush on you." He smiled, I felt myself blush.
"Oh yeah, so what do you say, want to go out tonight?" My heart raced, how often does your crush actually ask you out?
"Yeah, I would love to go out with you."
"Great, I'll pick you up at 7" he smiled and walked away. I have a date with Tim Lockwood, who would have thought?
"Your Daddy isn't going to like you going out with him Emily." Elvis said from behind me, I turned and glared at him.
"Elvis why do you have to ruin this for me? I've liked Tim forever and he just admitted he liked me too. Daddy is just going to have to deal with it, besides it's just a date, I'm not marrying the guy." I mumbled.
"I know, but I'm just looking out for you, I don't want your daddy to be mad and ground you. I need you to come over and help me with my math homework tomorrow."
"Oh so you are just looking out for yourself then?" I laughed, he shrugged and smiled at me.
"I guess. Now come on before we are late to class." We walked to English together and sat down. All day I thought about Tim, he is so cute, and sweet, I am so excited to go out with him. At the end of the day Elvis and I rushed home, he came over to help me pick out my outfit. He laid on my bed as  I dug through my closet and pulled out a few dresses. I held them up to me and showed them to Elvis.
"Alright which one Elvis the blue, or red one?" I asked, he put his hand on his chin and looked at the dresses in my hands.
"Neither, go with the purple one." He said pointing to a purple dress on my floor.
"No, that's my church dress, it's too long, I need one that I can move around in."
"Why do you need to move around? Your going on a date, not gym class." He rolled his eyes.
"I'm not wearing my church dress, please just help me and pick from these two." I sighed
"Fine, go with the blue one, it brings out your eyes." I smiled,
"Thank you. What are you going to do tonight?" I asked
"I don't know, probably help mama clean up the house, the cousins are coming into town on Sunday for Billy's birthday." He said fumbling with the blankets on my bed.
"Oh right, I forgot that's coming up. But Elvis you need to go out and do something, hang out with some kids your age."
"You are my only friend Emily, and you are leaving me for Tim Lockwood. Besides I love hanging out with mama."
"I know Elvis, I just worry about you." I sat next to him on the bed and held his hand.
"Thanks but there's no need to, all I need is my mama and you. Now come on you have a lot of stuff to do before Tim gets here."
"He won't be here for three hours."
"Exactly, you have a lot to do in not a lot of time." He laughed, I scoffed and hit his arm.
"Hey be nice to me!" I said as I hit him again.
"Ok, ok stop, I'll be nice." He laughed and held his arms up. We talked for a little bit and then I got ready, we walked into the living room just as daddy got home from work.
"Hi daddy." I smiled and kissed his cheek
"Hi Mr Jacobson." Elvis said shaking daddy's hand.
"Hi kids, Emily honey why are you all dressed up?" He asked, I was about to answer but Elvis beat me to it.
"She has a date." I hit his arm
"A date? With who?" Daddy asked
"Tim Lockwood." I said, daddy looked at me with a raised eyebrow
"Lockwood? As in Dan Lockwood's son?" Daddy asked. Daddy is a mechanic, he co-owns a shop with his friend in town, Tim's dad owns one just outside of town, Dan is daddy's competition.
"Yes daddy."
"You're not going! No daughter of mine is going to date a Lockwood." He said angrily
"But daddy!"
"No Emily, you ain't going." He said, mama walked in
"What are you two yelling about?" She asked
"Daddy won't let me go out with Tim Lockwood!" I said
"Tom, let her go, this silly competition is between you and Dan, not our kids."
"No Mary, I'm not letting he-" mama gave him a look, he stopped and sighed "Fine, but if he tries anything I'm going to kill him."
"Thank you Daddy!" I smiled and kissed his cheek, I ran over to mama and thanked her. Elvis stayed for a while, but left before Tim showed up. Tim picked me up in his car and took us to the movies. The movie was kind of boring so we left and went to the diner. We talked about school, football, and our families. He asked me why I hang out with Elvis so much, he thought what everyone else thought about us, that we were together. Everyone at school thinks we are secretly together and that's why we are together all the time. After we ate and talked Tim drove me back home. When we got to my house there were police cars outside the house, the Presley's were talking to the officers. I ran out of the car.
"What's going on here?" I asked, Gladys turned towards me, tears ran down her face, she grabbed my hands.
"Emily, it's your parents, they- they." She started crying harder.
"They what? What in the world is going on?" I asked
"Miss Jacobson, your parents were killed in a car accident, I'm very sorry." One of the officers said. My heart dropped, they can't be dead, I just saw them two hours ago, I broke down in tears.
"No, no they aren't, they can't, no!" I cried, my legs started to get weak, I was about to fall but Elvis caught me. "Elvis, no they can't be dead, I'm going to be all alone." I cried
"Shh it's ok, I'm here, you aren't alone, you have me." He held me in my arms, I cried into his chest, my whole world is falling apart. Vernon and Gladys talked to the police officers, neighbors noticed the commotion and came over.
"Elvis son, will you take Emily inside the house, the neighbors don't need to see her like this." Vernon said.
"Of course Daddy." Elvis said and picked me up, I nestled into his chest and continued crying. Elvis brought me to his room and laid me on his bed, he started walking out of the room.
"Elvis please don't leave me." I cried
"I'm not leaving I'm just getting some more blankets." He said and left, he came back with a few more blankets. He put them on the bed and walked to his dresser, he pulled out a white shirt. "Here put this on, your dress is dirty and wet." He handed me the shirt, I took it and took my dress off, Elvis looked away while I changed. When I was done he walked over to the bed and climbed in next to me, I rested my head on his chest. My makeup and tears stained his white shirt.
"I'm sorry about your shirt." I said softly, he looked down at his shirt
"It's fine, it's just a shirt." He put his arm around me and held me tight.
"Elvis what am I going to do? I don't have any other family, they are going to take me away." I cried
"Hey Satnin, no they aren't, I won't let that happen neither will mama and daddy. I am going to take care of you I promise. Now don't worry about it land get some sleep." He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him. I am so lucky to have Elvis as my best friend because I don't know what I would do without him.

Author'a note: thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy. I also have another book called His cure if you want to check that out too.

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