Sand Tyrant with the Golden Horn! Luffy and Saurus Vs Crocodile!

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"Merciless Horn!", I commanded.

Deathwing charged forward and slammed her horns into the golden hook, shoving it away from Luffy.  Luffy leapt over Deathwing and pulled his leg back for a kick.

"Gomu Gomu no...STAMP!"

Crocodile glanced over as Luffy's foot rocketed towards him.  The foot struck, but the Shichibukai turned to sand and the attack passed through him.  Luffy grunted as he landed in the sand.  

"No matter how much you struggle, you will never, ever-", Crocodile began, but was cut of by our attacks.

"Gomu Gomu no Gatling!"

"Savage Fireball!"

Luffy unleashed a barrage of punches, and Deathwing launched a massive fireball.  I attacked as well, using Ground Slash.  My Raging Blade glinted as the talons extended, and I unleashed an upwards slash.  None of our attacks worked though, as Crocodile's body just disintegrated into sand.  Once we stopped, he reformed, his cocky smirk still present.  

"These pathetic attacks are useless against me, because you will never-", he tried to speak again.

"SHUT UP!", Luffy and I shouted.



Luffy's and Deathwings' attack struck his chest, while my sword swing took his head off.  Luffy then swung his foot high above his head.

"Gomu Gomu no AXE!"

He brought his foot down, completely disintegrating the Shichibukai's body.  

"You! Stupid!  SAND GATOR!!!", Luffy shouted angrily, stomping the ground where Crocodile stood.

We froze upon hearing the moving of sand and turned to see Crocodile reforming behind us.

"I already told you, that won't work", he chastised, "no matter how hard you fight, you will never def-"

Luffy punched him in the face, cutting him off.  His face slowly reformed.

"Sorry, what were you saying?", Luffy taunted.

Crocodile was pissed, eyes like an enraged Diablos.  

"It's time we ended this, Strawhat Luffy, Monster Brat", Crocodile mused.

"He keeps turning to sand when we attack him", I thought, "how the hell are we going to beat him?"

"You brats and I are in completely different leagues", Crocodile said, arm turned to sand and forming what looked like a thin blade, "DESERT SPADA!"

He swung his arm down and the blade shot forward through the sand.  Upon seeing it cleave a rock in two, we were forced to dodge.  Luffy's eyes were wide open upon seeing the damage the attack caused, leaving a massive, deep gash in the sand.

"Nice reflexes", Crocodile mocked, "That attack would have certainly killed you."

"WAH!?  He cut the desert in half!", Luffy exclaimed, staring at the massive chasm.  

"Like a hit from a Glavenus's tail!", I gasped.

"Depending on how you train them, devil fruit powers can be very useful in battle", Crocodile said, his hand becoming sand again, "but I'm not like those idiots who are content just possessing their powers.  I've honed mine to perfection.  You'll wish you never opposed me!"

He then slammed his hand into the ground.


Luffy and I panicked as a massive quicksand pit opened beneath our feet.  The sand began dragging us down, threatening to swallow us.  

Monster Hunter: Open Ocean.  (One Piece x Monster Hunter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin