On The Tour Bus

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You rested your head on Harry's lap, the streetlights shining in your eyes through the crack in the curtains at the window as you passed them every few seconds.

Harry was sat on the sofa, playing video games with the boys, laughing and shouting at the screen whenever he lost.

You had been on tour for a few days now, you loved watching the band perform every night, but not just the whole band, Harry was the one you loved to watch the most. He was so captivating whenever he performed, he always knew how to make the crowd scream and the way he put all his effort into his song made you never want to take your eyes off him. He'd smile at you stood in the wings every so often, which somehow still made your heart pound and your cheeks blush. But the late nights were beginning to catch up on you, and now you could barely keep your eyes open.

" Tired love?" You heard Harry's voice cut through the shouts of the boys, you hadn't realised you'd fallen asleep. You nodded.
"Go to bed if you like, you don't need to stay up every night with us you know"
"I know" You said "I don't like being in the bunk alone plus I like the company". You snuggled down deeper into his lap as he smiled down at you.
"Just tell me if you want to go to bed and we can, gorgeous" He said softly, ignoring the sniggers from the boys after calling you the cute name. You kept your head resting on his lap, his hands carefully placed against you holding the game controller, trying his best not to move too much and disturb you. Slowly, you drifted into a light sleep, as it was difficult to sleep properly with the chatting of everyone, but you wanted to stay with Harry as well as the rest of them for as long as possible.

It was no more than one hour later when the tour bus came to a stop and everyone began to get up.
"y/n, baby, we're making a quick stop just to pick up some things we need do you want to come?" Harry asked, he hadn't moved yet as he really didn't want to disturb you looking so peaceful, but everyone was beginning to get off the bus.
"What time is it?" you asked in a sleepy daze of confusion.
"Just gone 3:30am." Whenever the tour bus made a stop, it was always late at night as that was when there was no fans or paparazzi around, so everyone could easily pick up what they needed from services.
"I'll come" you decided, slowly sitting up, your hair a mess and eyes tired.

Harry put one arm around your back as you stood and walked out the bus, then into the service station.

Everyone grabbed the things they needed, such as small bits of food and water, the entire time you walked half asleep, Harry keeping his arm around you to make sure you went the right way. Once everyone had brought their stuff you all went and sat down in the only small coffee shop open at this time. There was nobody serving, just the self-serve machine was open and some empty tables and chairs.  Sitting down on one of the sofa chairs you sat with your shoulders hunched and head down.

Harry placed a coffee cup down in front of you
"Got you a hot chocolate y/n" he smiled as you looked up at him. He was tired too, but he was a lot better at hiding it.
"Thank you Haz" you said, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. He sat beside you, before taking off his hoodie and wrapping it around your arms.
"You always get cold when you're tired" He kissed you back. You laid your head on his shoulder and watched, drinking your hot chocolate, as he talked late-night conversation with the band.

After about 15 minutes, Harry began to notice you nodding off again.
"Okay were going to go back to the bus to get some sleep, we'll meet you back there" He said, waking you once again from your weird phase of half-sleep.
"Okay we'll let you 'sleep' " Niall joked as everyone laughed. The only reason he said it was because of the week before at the hotel, when you said were going to take a shower, Harry mysteriously was going back to the hotel room too. But the funny thing was, this time you were actually going to go to sleep.
"Alright, alright, night everyone" Harry laughed.
"Night" you said to everyone, practically asleep again.
"Goodnight y/n" Liam said through laughing at how you could barely stand. Harry decided to lift up your legs and carry you back to the bus, it was easy enough for him, you let your arms clutch round his neck.

He carried you into the bus, and to your bunk.
"y/n" Harry whispered with a soft giggle "You're going to have to climb in yourself it's a bit of a squeeze love" He placed you down gently on the floor. Managing to find the energy, you clambered into the bunk, Harry following you shortly after.

He laughed to himself for a moment.
"What's funny?" you asked.
"You're just funny when you're tired"
"Hey!" you spoke through yawning, closing your eyes and turning towards him. "You're funny when..."
Before you could finish you'd fallen asleep. Harry moved your hair out of the way slightly, before wrapping his arm around you and falling asleep to the sound of your breathing, appreciating the silence before the bus would set off again.

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