Ocean eyes 👀 🌊- Awkward staring

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Its been four months and I still haven't told him about my feelings even at dances I hadn't asked for his hand. Supposedly he's very good at dancing 💃 and does competitions. Me on the other hand sucks at dancing so it was an actual mind f*ck. But I also managed to keep secret bout it not telling anyone, not even my friends.

But we had our share of convos but a share of staring at each other as well. The first time I noticed this was about 2 months ago, I went into the classroom confident as that day we had free dress. With catholic school 🎒🚸 when free dress 👗 is an option you have to "express yourself" the right way or else people will make fun of the poor choices you've made. It was March and I needed to make a choice. "Light blue or dark denim 👖" I stared at my young "innocent", boy crazy 7 year old sister pleading her to choose.

"Dark" I sqiunted at her. "Fine, light." I nodded as I placed the fabric on my bed. I decided to go for a black shirt 👕 to give contrast and a belt, and some vans. The next day I got dressed and put my hair in a nice ponytail. I went into the school, and walked out of the car with my 49ners jacket that was 3 sizes too big but I liked it that way. I walked to my friends my friend, Carter was the prettiest in my opinion. I looked over their shoulders down the hallway as I saw him talking to his friends, I started staring at his mole on his cheek, the small cute dark one. I made an effort for him to notice me, and I still played attention to my group of close friends. Lela stared at my eyes noticing they weren't on her. Hey what are you staring 🙎at?" I had to think of something quick. "Um.... I was just thinking how stupid the guys are." Well that wasn't true at all. "U-uh um... Okay." I slowly recovered from that and went on with my day.

We went to our first period I sat down per usual and talked to Reese but we usually calls him by his last name which is......(thinking of fake names) Calloway. "Hey Calloway um, how's your day?" He said it was good I smiled but glanced over to Miles and shivered. He looked cute in his baseball jersey that said his last name on the back. I stared back to Calloway making an effort to get distracted we had a foot fight. He sat behind me so he then retired back to his desk as class actually started.

I looked over to miles his side profile just great on its own (his Adam's apple on fleek). Than the unexpected happened he turned towards my face, blushing I turned and looked at the teacher, "shit, shit, double shit." I thought as I could feel his eyes on my side profile. I looked down at my hands and decided to stare back at him, with balls to the walls I looked back my eyes in pure shock, we held eachothers eyes for a seconds to long. He turned back to the teacher 👨‍🏫 and then I followed his movement by doing the same.

I blushed and chuckeled and my tummy felt a whril as my cheeks felt hot and my palms sweated. And that was the first time I caught him staring.

*this was a lot longer but I wanted to tell you again how I felt in that momment since this was real and not fake, when I did catch him I was so awkward I always had mind fucks when it happened but now its normal also I did ocean eyes because his eyes are legit like the ocean

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