Lives Are Meant To Be Saved, Not Frowned Upon

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I left you with a cliffhanger now didn't I?

Just to full warn you, you may want to get the tissues out for this chapter.

A flashback occurs in the chapter as well.

So here's the next chapter, enjoy!

Chapter 3- Lives Are Meant To Be Saved, Not Frowned Upon

Los Angeles, 9:00 pm, August 25th, 2012

Lacey couldn’t stop thinking about the fight between her ex-dad and mom. The moment kept replaying in her mind. Now lying in bed with Shanna, she can finally relax.

                “What an evening to remember.” says Lacey. “Yep; it was.” says Shanna. “He thinks he can come in and own the joint. Well it doesn’t work like that at all.” says Lacey. “Nope, it doesn’t.” says Shanna. “Do you think my mom really wants him out of our lives?” says Lacey. “I think so. Your mom made good, clear points towards your dad.” says Shanna. “That’s true. I wish I could remember how they met.” says Lacey. “Ask your mom. Is she still up?” says Shanna. “I’ll go see.” says Lacey. “Okay.” says Shanna.

She gets out of bed to see if her mom is still up, and Alexandra is still up sitting outside by the pool deck at night. Lacey walks over to her mom to ask her the question.

                “Hey, mom; can I talk to you for a second?” says Lacey. “Sure, what is it, honey?” says Alexandra. “I’m curious about something.” says Lacey. “You and Shanna aren’t doing... you know?” says Alexandra. “No, mom; I want to ask you how you and dad met.” says Lacey. “You know how I feel about that subject.” says Alexandra. “You can say it. I won’t speak a word of it after were done the conversation.” says Lacey. “Okay.” says Alexandra.

It takes us to 1985 to where we meet Alexandra Swan, a young, vivacious nineteen year old and she is currently hanging with her friends at a party.  She comes across this man by the name of Walter West, of who is 21 and is very intelligent. Alexandra bats her lashes at him and he comes walking over to her and grabs her hand and takes her outside to give her a kiss. Ever since that night in 1985, Alexandra and Walter were the “it” couple in the neighborhood; they dated for 10 years until they decided on getting married in 1995. Alexandra had a daughter named Lacey in 1992 with Walter. So, Lacey was at the wedding, and they continued to be married until 2005. Her and Walter were suffering from financial and other problems. They divorced in 2006 and Alexandra wanted nothing to do with him anymore. So, before they were married she installed a tracker chip on every phone he got so she would know his every move. See Alexandra is a bit of a techie person, so it works fine. That’s when she caught her ex-husband with men at a secret rendezvous in California. That’s when Alexandra took Lacey to move over there in 2009 and has lived there ever since.

                “Wow, I didn’t know you did all of that.” says Lacey. “I’m a person of my own self.” says Alexandra. “You’re mind-blowingly creative. You met dad when you were 19, and he met you when he was 21. Same time like Shanna & I.” says Lacey. “Yep; okay, sweetie; let’s go to bed.” says Alexandra.

Lacey walks up to her room and found Shanna still awake. I wonder why?

Des Moines, Iowa 9:00 pm August 25th 2012

Marcus couldn’t bear the thought of having to say to Brandon that he thinks he may have bipolar disorder. He’s so unsure of himself right now he doesn’t know what to do. So, to take things off of his mind, he lies in bed next to Samuel and they get the conversation over with.

                “Do you really think that he has it?” says Marcus. “I don’t know; why are you asking me?” says Samuel. “Cause to want to know.” says Marcus. “I didn’t see anything that was related to it. But I’m no doctor here. So...” says Samuel. “Let me get on Facebook and check something real quick.” says Marcus. “Okay.” says Samuel.

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