What if something happened? What if she got hit by a car? Now I'm losing it.

Where could she be?

I start driving around, looking for her.


Niall's POV

Addie's gone.

I try to call her, leave her messages, text her, facetime her, she doesn't respond to anything.

I can't go back to school until I find her. I don't have my car, so I'm going to try to look for her on foot.

I start walking down the sidewalk, up another one, down another one, snaking through the whole town, she's not there.

I was just about to give up when I find a dead end street. This is the only place I haven't checked so she must be here somewhere...right? I start to walk down the street and there's a little park. It looks abandoned.

I get closer, and closer, and closer, when I see someone on the monkey bars. It looks like Addie. I start to run full speed. I reach the park and I know it's Addie. Is she ok? I think she's....sleeping?

What in God's name?

I run up to the monkey bars and whisper, "Addie?"

Nothing. I don't want to startle her or she will fall off.

"Addie?" I say a bit louder.

Her eyes shoot open.

She sits up and stares straight ahead as if she's trying to remember why she's here.

I guess her memory comes to her when she quickly hops off, and starts running down the street, not looking back.

"Addie! Wait!" I yell after her. I'm faster, so I catch up to her and stand right in front of her so she can't go anywhere.

She's sobbing.

"Addie, why did you try to run away?" I say taking my thumb and wiping away her tears from her cheeks.

"Niall, I can't take it. Liam hates me, you probably hate me, and I hate myself for everything. All of this is my fault. I can't stand it anymore." she chokes out in between sobs.

"Sh...Addie. It's ok. I don't hate you. Not in the least." I say hugging her.

"Yes you do." she argues and pulls away.

"Addie, no I don't. Come here." I say, picking her up bride style. I bring her over to a bench in the park and sit down, me still holding her. I put her down so she can sit.

"Can we just go home? Tell Liam you found me and to meet us back at the house." she shivers.

"Ok. Take my jacket. You're cold." I take my jacket off and put it around her shoulders. I pull her into my side to keep her even warmer. It is really cold outside. I don't get that because it's still summer time. I take out my phone and text Liam that she's safe and we will meet him back at the house.

"Thanks." she says, calming down a little.

"We better go. Liam will be waiting." I say. "Here. Stand up on the bench." I say, turning around, my back to her.

"Get on." I say.

"No. I'm too heavy." she says.

"Nonsense." I say grabbing her and pulling her onto my back.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. And you weigh like...5 pounds."

"No I don't but whatever." she says chuckling. That's a good sign.


We get to her house and Liam's car is in the driveway. I put Addie down and she opens the door.

Liam is pacing back and forth when we enter and he shoots Addie and I the nastiest look.

"I'm going up to my room. Here Niall. Take your-"

"No. I'm coming with you." I say.


Addie stops in her tracks. She looks back to Liam.

"That's the first time you have ever yelled at me." she says barely audible. Tears start rolling down her face.

"N-no. Addie! I didn't mean it. I-"

"That's the first time you have ever yelled at me." she says a little louder. It still comes out as a whisper.

"Addie...I'm sorry. I-"

Liam gets cut off by Addie running up the stairs up to her room faster than humanly possible. Her door slams and locks, and here we are, staring at each other, me and Liam.

Addie's POV

He yelled at me.


He has never done that to me in the history of ever. He even promised that he would never do that to me. And yet, he just did.

It isn't even a big deal. All he wants to do is talk about it. But, he screamed in my face, which he promised he would never do. Now that's a big deal.

I hear frantic running up the stairs and pounding on my door.

"Addie. Open up." Liam and Niall scream over each other.

I don't answer. I don't want to do anything except for cry.

The knocking and yelling gets louder.

Blades. Where are my blades?

I get up and look through my drawers. Found them.

I look at one of the silver things in between my fingers and just stare at it.

Hello, old friend.


Ok this story is getting depressing but interesting. It's basically writing itself. I don't even know where half of these ideas come from. But it sort of works and I like it so, yeah. Thanks for reading and ily all!

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