A Trip Into The Forest

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  Ok, ok. We all know this: School is boring. But you do NOT know what's it's like to go to prep school AND live in a orphanage. I fall asleep during math, daydream in reading, draw in writing, and die in history! So, I do the usual thing. I run away. Simple. Easy. A fix for all your problems. Until, that is, you realize there's a big shadow following you. I slowly look behind me, just to see deeply wooded areas. I take a step, I hear a loud "CRRRUUUUNCH". I snap my head back, and I see a weird half human-half goat thing. I screamed "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Then it screamed "BAAAAAAAA" As I look at it, I realize it looks sort of like something in Greek mythology that I was learning in history. I wrack my brain to rember what. That's it! It's a faun. A half human-half goat thing. 

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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