chapter 12

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after the show me and Alex exchanged numbers

as I was walking back to the bus I heard Luke and Sara fighting

It's probably about him snogging that other girl

I felt bad for Sara

Luke's a dick

(Ok Luke is not a dick it's just for the story. Luke is so sweet. all of them are)

as I got to the bus someone picked me up

I stared to scream

but I saw it was Louis so I stared to laugh

as we were spinning around and laughing

we fell on top of each other

I lay on top of him

probably smashing his insides because I'm so fat

I tried to get up but he put his arms around me before I could

Louis stop I'm probably smashing your insides I winned

No your as light as a feather,why would you think your smashing me he asked

Because I'm fat. I blushed

No your not who told you that? he questioned

Luke I said

Well Luke is blind because you are fucking gorgeous

I blushed

the next thing I knew we were kissing

it wasn't like Luke's and I kiss

I felt him taking his time not rushing and it was soft and nice not rushed ruff like Luke's

I could feel some one walking by when I looked up I saw it was Luke

he had tears in he's eyes

he probably broke up with Sara

Well look what we have here he smirked

first me then Louis then Alex then back to Louis what a slut he glared

first Luke you broke up with me second Alex is gay third Louis is a great guy and you will never be as great as him

as I got up I helped Louis up

we walked out of the parking lot and started walking around town (oh by the why they are in New York right now for the book)

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