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Helen has been cleaning up the room all day while Kaira has been on the phone with the 'Love Of Her Life'.

Kaira would text, snap and send voicenotes. Helen got irritated that she took the phone away from Kaira.

"Hey! Give that back! ", Kaira demanded.

"Not until you're done with chores. I mean I'm not your house help so get up and join me... The sooner the better..."

"Just this once please? I really need to chat with him, he must be awaiting my reply... "

"Young lady, this is a Saturday morning and please keep it 'a Saturday morning ' by grabbing a mop. Kyle can wait"

"Okay fine, can I at least text him a 'BRB'? Please? "

"You have three minutes to do that", Helen returned her phone.

Kaira took the phone from Helen and rushed into the bathroom and locked the door

"Oh, Kaira I'm so not ready for your silly pranks this morning"

"I love you, bestie... Mwaaahh"

A knock rapped at the door, it was Stephanie! But they call her 'Steph' for short. She's Kaira's coursemate and lives in the same apartment building.

She came to give the girls what she got them from one of her outings. It is a tradition amongst the girls to always get some goodies when out on a date.

"And where's Kaira? ", Steph asked as she sat on a couch.

"Your 'Kaira' is in the bathroom"

"Lol, don't tell me it's that boy; the new catch? "

"Who else could it be?", Helen rolled her eyes in frustration.

"Wow, this is serious and funny same time... Hahahaha... "

"She said you share mutual friends with the guy on Facebook... Ughhh! "

"Really? What's his username? "

"WF Kyle", Kaira said coming out of the bathroom.

"Lol... I'm not sure I know him but I'll look him up though. I'd really wanna see this guy that's got you so in love"

"Oh, sure you can but don't catch any feelings while going through his profile"

"Seriously? Bwahahaha... I bet he's not my type plus why would I snatch your beloved boyfriend from you?"

"Awww, how thoughtful of you.... Well what's in the goody bag? "

Kaira hurried to open the bag, "oh my oh, ice cream! And just as I like it; Vanilla flavoured, yummy! "

Kaira tried scooping some to her mouth but was interrupted.

"No ma'am, that'll be after you're done with the chores", Helen smiled broadly.

"Did I ever tell you 'I hate you'? Because right now I really do"

"You don't have to, now get to work, you silly"

"But it's gonna melt!" Kaira cried.

"There's always a refrigerator", Helen put the ice cream in the refrigerator and got back to cleaning.

"You girls are so dramatic. Well, I'll leave you two to your cleaning. I'll be back to give you full gists"

"Steph with the gists! Well, we'll be waiting. Thanks for the goddie"

"Ahh, it's nothing, catch ya later"

Helen followed her to lock the door.

"Kaira! ", Helen caught he savoring the ice cream.

"Oops, I'm sorry"

-Do you think Helen envy Kaira's relationship?
-Would Kaira go easy on any who tries to be a third party in her new found love?

Stay tuned for Episode 3... ✍️

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