Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update but this chapter is a lot longer then the last one and I'm kinda a perfectionist... I'll try to start updating sooner!
So I'm not very good at authors notes so I'm just gonna get to the story!
Hope you like Chapter 2!
Chandler Bing was in his room in London when there was a knock on his door. He opened it to find one of his best friends, Monica Geller. A drunk Monica Geller, at that.
"Hey!" He said.
She looked him up and down. "Cute PJ's! You're really livin' it up here in London huh?"
"Well I was... I wasn't exactly expecting company after..." he looked down at his watch. "...nine fifteen" he said thinking how lame he truly was.
She walked into the room and looked around.
"Is Joey here?"
"Well, last time I saw him he was heading out the door with the bride's maid and a bucket of strawberries." He said.
He remembered Joey whispering to him before he left, saying that the next day he would tell him everything about 'London style'.
"So uh, you're not still upset about what that guy told you, are you?" He asked.
"Wouldn't you be?" She said looking down at her drink.
"Well, look, it's been a really emotional time y'know, and you've had a lot to drink. And you've just got to let that go okay? I mean you were the most beautiful in the room tonight!" He told her.
"You kidding? You're the most beautiful woman in most rooms..."
He was cut off by Monica crashing her lips into his, at first, he went still. He couldn't believe Monica Geller was kissing him. And the strange thing was... It felt right. He sunk into the kiss and before he knew it they were in his bed... both of them not knowing how much that one night they spent together would change their lives so much.
Which brings us to Friday, March 15th, 2013. Chandler Bing was looking down at the fifteen year old girl who had just told him that he was her father.
Her father.
Chandler Bing was a dad.
And all he did was stand there. With his eyes wide open, staring at the girl with disbelief. 15 years ago he would have been freaked out and not ready for this. But now he was older, and wished he would have settled down, had kids.
But he thought he screwed it up and missed his chance.
He didn't miss his chance.
This was his chance.
But all he said was; "What!?"
Maybe she's not serious. Maybe she's making a joke. Chandler thought to himself.
But the look on her face told Chandler that she was serious.
And he was confused. He was only with Monica once. In London. But here was this girl pretty much telling him that even though they had used a condom and have only slept together once, she still got through.
He closed his eyes and looked down. "Oh my god," he whispered loud enough for her to hear.
Lux should have known that her father wasn't just going to welcome her into his life. He left her and her mom for a reason.
That's what she thought at least. But Lux only thought that her father left her and her mom. She didn't even know half of it.
Lux turned away from the man. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come."
She didn't even get the chance to start walking away. "Wait! Don't leave." He blurted out.
"Look, I'm guessing you want answers and I'm... y-you're father, I guess, and I want to get to know you. I mean... I..." He stuttered.
"I want to get to know you too." Lux said, finally smiling.
"Well then you should probably come in." He said while opening the door wider.
Chandler was supposed to work, but he never really went and no one would really notice he was gone anyways.
They awkwardly entered the apartment together.
Monica Geller walked into her daughters bedroom earlier that same day to tell her she was going to go get groceries but to find no one in her daughters bed.
"Lux?" She called out.
She started to panic, thinking of the worst things that could have happened to her.
Maybe she was kidnapped... or maybe she ran away forever. Or worse...
Monica shook her head. Don't think like that. she thought to herself.
She thought of her daughter.
She was okay. She had to be okay, Monica assured herself.
She remembered the day she found out she was pregnant with Lux.
It had been 2 days since Monica Geller had moved to Miami with Rachel Green, her best friend and roommate.
On the first day she spent the morning throwing up then the rest of the day packing. While the morning of the second day she spent cooking Rachel breakfast but ended up burning the food since she had to go take a quick break to go throw up again. Once she finished that, Rachel joked about her having morning sickness. Which Monica laughed at.
But while she was re making Rachel breakfast something occurred to her. She was late. Not just by a couple of days... but by over a week.
So once she finished making Rachel breakfast, Monica said she had to go get some groceries.
But she didn't come back with groceries.
She came back with a pregnancy test.
Which led her to locking herself in the bathroom and... well... peeing on a stick.
Monica closed toilet seat as she waited for the timer to ding saying her two minutes were up.
Well the hell was she going to tell everyone if she was pregnant? Except... the only everyone that was in her life right now was Rachel.
She knew that her parents would eventually find out... maybe Ross as well. But maybe that's all who needed to know.
And nobody had to know that the baby was Chandler's.
She knew that she should tell him. But she also knew it was better if she didn't. He was afraid of commitment. That way she wouldn't have to ruin his life with not just herself in it... but a baby as well. And it's not like she would be hurting him because he would never have to know.
But she knew that if she had a kid... It would want to know who their father is.
Monica had no clue what she was going to do. But when the timer dinged meaning her two minutes were up, she took a deep breath and picked up the small white stick on the counter. And slowly she turned it around to find a blue plus sign.
All thoughts and worries left her mind as she noticed the positive sign.
Tears filled her eyes as her lips formed into a small smile. A small laugh came from her as she stood up. She was pregnant. She was going to have a kid.
She was going to be a mom.
She still didn't know what she was going to do about Chandler, but right at that moment she just thought about finally having a baby. Sure, she was scared. She would have to tell everyone and go through a tuff nine months but at that moment she didn't care.
Because she had been waiting her whole life for this moment. And it was finally happening.
And she did think about telling him a couple times.
But she never did.
Monica went into the kitchen and immediately saw the bright yellow piece of paper on the counter.
Chelsea's boyfriend dumped her and she's really depressed. I'm going over there all day and staying the night. Sorry I had to leave so early. I'll call you later tomorrow. Love you,
Monica sighed of relief. Thank god her daughter was okay. With that, she left the house thinking that her daughter was at her best friends house, safe and sound.
"So um Lux. That's a different name. I- I like it." Chandler said handing her a bottle of water.
She took a seat on one of the bar stools and smiled. "Thanks. It means light. My mom was having such a hard time trying to name me, she couldn't narrow it down to one name. So when I was born and when she first held me, she looked at me and saw me as this small bundle of hope, light. That's when she came up with Lux."
Chandler smiled, but the smile quickly turned into a frown. He looked down at the ground white tiles of his kitchen floor.
"Why didn't Monica tell me?"
A confused look speared on Lux's face. "What are you talking about? You... you left her once you found out she was pregnant."
"What? I would never do that! She never told me she was pregnant! One day she was here in New York with me and all our friends, the next day her and her best friend were gone! Trust me, I would never leave your mother like that.. I was in love with her." He said closing his eyes and letting out a sigh.
Why didn't she tell him?
"So... you guys were all in a group of friends and her and Aunt Rachel just randomly left one day?"
"Well, I wouldn't say it was random." Chandler said.
And he told her everything. About how close the group of six friends were. About how Ross was engaged to Emily and how he said Rachel's name at the alter. And how he had to choose between Rachel and Emily and how he picked Emily. And then Rachel left the city. And Monica went with her.
Lux sighed, taking it all in. She understood the whole Ross and Rachel thing now. "But what about you and my mom?" She asked.
Then Chandler explained that.
How they hooked up in London, only that one time. And how they tried to hook up again that whole time in London, but never got to it.
"Then when we were back home we were in her apartment and finally talked about London. Saying that it was a one time thing and to forget about it and stuff. Once I left the apartment, I regretted it because I wanted to be together! I was thinking about going back and saying how 'I'm still on London time' but I never did. I guess I was scared." he said shaking his head. He regretted not doing anything so much.
"So then things got awkward and we could hardly spend anytime alone at all. So she left with Rachel. Then two years later Emily, who didn't really end up liking me and the rest of the gang, decided she wanted to move into a nice house somewhere so then they moved to somewhere in Delaware. And since Delaware is 3 hours away, we never really saw him that much after that. I actually haven't seen him in eight years." He told her.
Lux was shocked. "I can't believe this. She never told me that. She... she lied to me." She shook her head. "There is no way in hell I am ever going back home."
"What?" Chandler exclaimed. "You can't just never go back home. She's your mother!"
Lux looked down at her water bottle she was playing with, spinning it around in circles. "But you're my father."
Chandler sighed for the 20th time that morning. "Lux, you-"
"Can't I just stay the night? She thinks I'm at a friends house right now so she doesn't even know I'm gone yet. We can hang out today. Get to know each other."
Chandler didn't think this was a good idea. But he had a daughter. He wanted to get to know her. "As long as you're back home really soon or-"
"Relax!" She told him. "I'll be fine."
"Okay. So I told you my end of the story. Now you tell me yours. Starting with where the hell did Monica Geller move to??" Chandler asked, wanting to know the answer to this question for 15 years.
"After she left New York my mom and aunt Rachel moved to Miami." She told him.
Lux nodded.
"What!? How are you going to get back-"
"It's only a 3 hour plane ride! Really, it's as bad as you think!" She told him.
Chandler didn't know what to say. "I can't believe you traveled all the way here just to see me."
Lux shrugged. "I had to learn about my dad sometime. It might as well be with you. In person. I just- I thought you knew I existed."
When Lux asked Monica about her father, Monica would always say that she didn't want to talk about it. The only thing she ever told Lux was that he left Monica when she told him she was pregnant. But two weeks ago Lux asked again, and again and again and finally Monica couldn't take it anymore.
Monica told Lux how she was in a group of six friends that were inseparable who included her Aunt Rachel, her Uncle Ross and.... her father. But then something happened that made the group, well, stop being a group.
Now Lux knew what that something was. The something that split them up.
Lux realized she or Chandler hadn't spoken for almost five minutes. So she spoke.
"So my mom and aunt Rachel got a nice house in this big neighbourhood and lived in it together.... then I kinda joined them." She told him. "Then when I was eight uncle Ross finally tracked down my mom and aunt Rachel. He told them that him and Emily, after 6 years of marriage, divorced. So after finding my mom and meeting me, he moved in an apartment 5 minutes away, wanting to patch things up with Rachel and my mom and get to know me."
"But then Ross and Rachel got back together and after 3 months of dating, Rachel fell pregnant and had Emma, my now 3 year old cousin." She continued. "And then the house beside ours was for sale and Ross and Rachel moved in it with Emma. And now they're actually engaged."
Chandler couldn't believe what he was hearing. Ross and Rachel had a daughter? They were engaged?
"Wow. That's- wow. Ross and Rachel." He said. "Didn't you ever ask them about your dad? Me."
"They don't know that you're my dad. My mom never told them. She never told anyone."
What? Why would Monica not tell anyone? Is it that embarrassing to even think that she once slept with me?! he thought to himself.
"I'm sorry. But she probably didn't want them knowing that two of their best friends got together randomly. And I doubt Ross would be happy about you two. I mean, she's his sister." Lux told him.
"But not even Rachel? She didn't tell Rachel? She tells her everything!" Chandler exclaimed.
"I don't know.. I guess that's not true."
Chandler didn't want to spend the rest of the day with this girl just talking about Monica. He wanted to get to know her.
So he shrugged off the conversation. "So. Have you ever been to New York City before?" He asked her.
She shook her head.
"Well then get ready for some fun. New York is the best."
"Were gonna go do stuff in New York?! I'm gonna be doing tourist stuff in New York?! Finally!" She exclaimed. "Where can we go first?? Empire State Building? Time square?! Central Park?!"
Chandler grinned. "We can go wherever you want to go. But first, let's get some breakfast."
And the father and daughter left the apartment together, still amazed by the fact that they found each other.
So that's Chapter 2! Again, I'm sorry about the wait and I'll try to update soon!
Okay I really don't know what to say for my authors note so I'm just gonna write some random stuff about me:
I love Pizza
I love mondler
I'm a girl
My friend slept over last night and kept kicking me in her sleep
I shoved her off my bed
And she was all like "Okay, what the hell happened?"
I ate pizza last night
God, I love pizza
If you read all this, then I love you.
Okay I'm done..
Please REVIEW!

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