Chapter 6

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As Peter walks through the hospital bedroom, he hangs his head, seeing sweet Morgan in an arm sling in her bed. "Peter!" the sweet girl says, eyes lighting up. Her hair is up in small pigtails, and she wears an old, hospital-donated shirt, with a blue flower pattern on it. "Ooh, flowers!" Peter feels a warmth of happiness flow through him, knowing his sister is happy. But soon, that warmth fades as Peter remembers circumstances and why Morgan's here.
"Peter," Pepper calls, looking more concerned than Peter's ever seen. "Peter, why do you have a black eye?"
Peter's eyes shift to the ground. "Oh. Uh... I fell. Yeah... I fell. It sucked."
"Peter, I am married to Tony Stark. I know a lie when I hear one." Pepper casually says without thinking. Peter's eyes widen and Pepper realizes what she said. "I.. you know what I mean."
"Yeah." Peter looks to the ground again as his tears well up. He can't control this anymore and he runs out of the room.
As Peter runs out of the hospital, he can hear his own heartbeat getting harder and harder, faster and faster. He can hear his feet hit the ground harder than ever before. He wonders if it's raining but then realizes that it's just his tears running down his hot, flushed face. He thinks about Tony. Then Morgan. Then May. His heart pounds more and more, faster and faster, but soon he slips. Peter Parker now lies unconscious on the Queens road, silent and still.

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