When Words Fail

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"Wait, who was in the pile-up?"

"Dr. Hunt and Schmitt," Bailey paused, watching how the words hit Nico. All color drained from his face as he took a stumbling step back, brows furrowing as he glanced down at his feet. Then, he looked back up, his eyes desperate. "They went to get the donor patient for Gus. They were coming back when the pile-up started. We're sure they are in it, we just don't know-"

Nico stopped Bailey, holding his hand out in front of him. Bailey tried to talk again, only for Nico to hush her. A look of confusion crossed her at Nico's actions, only for it to melt into something more offended as she shifted her weight on her feet, crossing her arms over her chest. Nico squeezed his eyes shut as he steadied his breathing.

This couldn't be happening.

Bailey noticed the switch in Nico's demeanor. It wasn't usual to see Nico so worked up over something. The ER was still racing around them, people sobbing and yelling out in pain, so much so that no one could quite think clearly. Nervous chatted drifted around as Nico tried to make sense of everything. The constant sound of the doors hissing open and close was slowly beginning to drive him insane, knowing that Levi could come through them at any moment, but as a potential patient.

"Nico?" Bailey snapped her fingers in front of him, bringing him back to the present. He blinked a few times before he finally seemed to realize where he was.

"Is he- Do you- Are they okay?"

"I don't know, Nico. We have heard nothing from them. We have no clue whether they are injured, fine, or even-"

"Don't say dead. Don't you dare say dead," Nico's mind raced with those sour and bitter thoughts. If Levi was seriously injured, or even dead, he had no clue what he would do. "The last thing I said to Levi was something I truly regret. What if I don't get to see him again, what if I don't get to tell him I'm sorry?" Nico was slowly beginning to panic, which would be the worst case scenario for everyone right now. Bailey glanced around, desperately trying to figure out what to do.

Bailey let out a short grunt of frustration as she stomped her foot on the ground, just like a child would. This wasn't fair. This wasn't fair at all and Nico did not deserve to lose someone else; Especially someone he loved so dearly. Bailey was just as worried as Nico for Levi's safety, as well as Owen and the patient. Bailey adored Levi; she wouldn't say it out loud to anyone but Levi was her favorite intern. He reminded her so much of George. So much.

Losing him would be like losing O'Malley all over again and she didn't know if she could cope with that.

"Right, Nico, I need you to stop and take a few deep breaths, okay? Neither of us can panic here as we have people to save. I'm sure that Levi, and Owen, and the patient- I'm sure they are all fine!" It came out a little shakier than she intended, her voice raising at the end. Nico nodded his head frantically, taking a few deep breaths as Bailey had instructed. After a few moments, they both felt a little calmer.

"If you find him, page me. Please."

"Same goes for you, Dr. Kim."

Bailey rushed off into the crowd of patients to begin treating as many as she could. Nico still felt completely disorientated, especially with the news of Levi being in the wreck. If Levi died with the last thing Nico said to him playing in his mind, Nico knew he would never be able to forgive himself. He wanted to hold Levi again, kiss him, tell him how much he fucking adored him.

The mere possibility that it may not ever happen again was enough to make Nico extremely nauseous.

There were people that needed to be helped. He needed to get to work and start saving some lives. If he could do that though, he didn't know. He debated on taking a step back and taking a short break to clear his mind.

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