Jian Chen did not give up and continued to absorb and refine the power of the cloud. He became even more confident that his Chaotic Body could absorb the power of the cloud after his thoughts earlier. He would never consider such action if the power of the cloud was still under the evil spirit's control, but the power had now become dead, unable to put up any resistance at all. That was enough for the possibility of refining the power for himself.

With the progression of every layer, the energy required by the Chaotic Body would increase by several folds, making it an extremely power-hungry cultivation method. He had reached the eighth layer now, so the number of resources Jian Chen required to reach the ninth layer was simply unimaginable. The Tian Yuan Continent would never possess enough of what he needed. If the power left behind by the evil spirit could help his Chaotic Body progress, it would be Jian Chen's fortune, even if it was not enough for him to reach the ninth layer. He could never pass by this opportunity.

Jian Chen also failed with his second attempt. The sliver of power he had absorbed was forcefully refined into nothingness within him, leaving nothing behind at all. His Chaotic Body did not grow either.

Jian Chen did not become discouraged and continued. However, his third attempt resulted in failure as well.

He failed the fourth time.

He failed the fifth time.

Finally, after five attempts, Jian Chen succeeded. The needle of power he had absorbed had finally been refined into a strand of Chaotic Force, becoming his own power.

"I understand now. It's impossible for every strand of the cloud's power to be refined into Chaotic Force due to its special characteristics. I need to collect the essence, but the difficult part is that the essence can't be found so easily." Jian Chen's eyes shone. As long as he could refine the cloud's power into Chaotic Force, it was something worth celebrating over, even if it would take a long time.

Even though he would fail many times during the refinement of the cloud's power, as long as he could refine a single strand of it, his Chaotic Force would grow slightly. The increase would not be drastic, but it would be equivalent to years or even decades of absorbing the energy of the world.

Chapter 1632: The Push for Territory (One)

Jian Chen went mad afterwards. He completely devoted himself to cultivation. He wanted to increase his strength as much as possible now that a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity had presented itself before him. He paid no attention to the various matters the aftermath of the various battles caused. He sent a single message to his friends and family before entering seclusion, completely sealing himself off in the blood-red cloud.

Only after receiving news that Jian Chen had entered seclusion did the people of the two worlds begin to disperse. The people who left first were from the four races. Some of the severely injured people left first, returning to their clans to heal. However, there were also many fighters who had lost close friends and family who remained. They gazed at the battlefield sorrowfully as they struggled to dispel their pain. They remained there for quite some time.

In the blink of an eye, a portion of the people had left. They all originated from the Tian Yuan Continent's world. The people from the World of Forsaken Saints all remained on the spot. None of them dared to leave without the Spiritking's orders.

The Spiritking was the supreme ruler of the World of Forsaken Saints. If that world was an empire, he would be the emperor. They were different from the four races on the Tian Yuan Continent. Although each race possessed their own Origin realm experts, they did not restrain the people of their race, granting them more freedom.

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