The next day

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Nick's P.O.V

I wake up the next morning on cloud nine, scratch that, cloud twelve. I was so happy after yesterday and my confident got a nice boost. I get out of bed and walk downstairs where a nice breakfast is set on the table. I sit down and eat my breakfast and have a refreshing orange juice. "What are you so happy about so early in the morning?" My mum asked. "Nothing, just enjoying my breakfast" I answered her with the smile that never left my face since yesterday.

I take the school bus and I head to that place where my happiness is often ruined. But whatcha gonna do?

I am at my locker when I am suddenly pushed hard from the back, so hard it felt like my face got ten times bigger just on impact. I fall to the ground holding my face and I slowly look up to see Kyle walking away with his friends laughing. I get up, fix my shirt and just grab my books. "Did you really think that smile will never leave your face?" I said to myself as I walked to class.

School is over. –thank God- and I am off to my house where I am meeting Ellie, she's coming over to study Biology and we're both ready to understand it or die trying. Suddenly the doorbell just wouldn't shut up, I rush downstairs yelling I'm coming and when I finally get to it, it's Ellie out of breath.

"What the hell…? Why are you breaking my doorbell?"

"You would not believe what happened *Takes a deep breath* The boys from yesterday, I ran into them near school today and one of them came up to me and…." She stopped to catch her breath. "And what? AND WHAT?!" I yelled excitedly. "And he asked me about you, he asked if I could give him your number but I told him it would be better to just give you his" She said as she handed me a little piece of paper with a number on it but no name. "There's no name on this, Ellie. Why is there no name on this?" I asked her. "Well, I was in a hurry so I told him to hurry up because I had to go, I guess he didn't get to write it down"

I leave Ellie at the door and rush upstairs to get my phone. I don't even know what I am gonna say, what am I going to say? Oh this is hard!! Harder than never getting dates. I fall on my bed, Biology is gonna have to wait.

A Stranger -Nick A laws & Matthew LushWhere stories live. Discover now