Chapter 40

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My father doesn't have to wait very long since Adam answers on the first ring.

"Baby-" he begins frantically.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you to ask a girls father for his blessing before courting her?" My father hisses into the phone and then laughs darkly.

Adam is silent.

"I have her. There's a gun pressed to her head right this moment. If you would like me not to blow her brains out right here, then why don't we have a little chat?"

"I'm listening" Adam forces out through clenched teeth.

"Allow me to catch a quick flight to Russia, and you won't have the blood of two innocents on your hands" my father tells him coldly.

"Address?" Adam spits out.

"I will give you the address to where I have her in 2 hours, when I've safely boarded my plane to Russia."

Adam is quiet before he bites out "Deal." And hangs up.

My father grins triumphantly and steps away from me.

He begins yelling orders in Russian and the other men in the warehouse quickly begin to file out as they go off to fulfill their individual chores. 

He looks at me once they're all gone and grins a deranged, evil "your Prince Charming will rescue you within 2 hours my dear Sofia." Then looks over at Adrian in disgust as he spits "although I haven't decided if I'll let that one live just yet." He says simply and then turns to leave.

"Wait!" I call out desperately, hating myself for needing this closure.

"When you called my mother a whore... did you mean-"

"She was a prostitute. She was a filthy fucking prostitute that knew how to suck a cock." I flinch at his harsh words "So when she got pregnant, I figured I'd keep her around for a while longer. She let that get to her head- me letting her stick around. She walked in on me indulging in a couple of strippers one night and she dared to reprimand me like a child."

He stopped and stared right through me as he finished "and I made sure that she never lived to do it again." With that he turned on his heel and left me alone in the freezing cold warehouse with an unconscious Adrian.




He killed her. He fucking murdered her! I felt on the verge of a full blown anxiety attack as I looked over towards Adrian. He wanted to kill Adrian too.

I had to get us out of here.

I stood up out of my chair, with my hands still secured behind me, and made my way over to Adrian. Dragging the chair behind me.

"Adrian!" I whispered in his ear and used my shoulder to bump into his over and over.

After minutes of this, which felt like hours, I began to panic as a sense of doom consumed me. 

Then a thought occurred to me.

Adam was a cop.

I had my phone on me this whole time and it was on.

My father had just called him.

Wouldn't that mean he could trace the call back to find our location? Hope filled my chest, but I had no way of knowing for sure. I had to make Adrian wake up in the meantime.

"Adrian!" I hiss and kick his chair with my feet. His eyes finally pop open as he jolts awake and groans in pain as he looks around the room, eyes wide.

"Adrian! Do you have the energy to loosen my rope enough for me to squeeze out? Then I can do the same for you?" I ask frantically as I watch his eyes go in and out of focus.

He's quiet for a while before he comprehends what I said and finally nods yes.

I rearrange my chair so our backs are facing one another and scoot close to him and I feel him reach for my rope as he feels around, beginning the process of undoing my knot.

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