Chapter 5. Friends

Start from the beginning

"That's a book about etiquette Talia," I said patiently. "As a princess, I have to learn good manners and the right attitude so I could rule the country perfectly when we grow older."

I watched in fascination as she stood up from the grass and gave me a courtesy, fluttering her dress as she did so. "I know etiquette too," she said.

"I'm sure you do. You're a noble so I'm confident that they train you too. But not as much as me," I added. "My training is a wee bit different." I tried to search for the right term. "It's harder."

Talia plopped down on the grass and gave a frown. "I know what's hard," she said. "That book you were reading a month ago. I couldn't understand the words. It's for grown-ups isn't it?"

"It was Leonardo Da Vinci's biography. He's my favorite so I wanted to read it."

"I don't really understand," she mumbled. "But someday I'm going to read those books with you, I promise."

"Yes you are," I said with a smile. "So what do you want to do today?"

"Can we play hide-and-seek?" she asked. "Or maybe you can play me the harp. I haven't heard you play the harp for a long time Cybele."

I stood up from my position and dusted my dress for any dirt. "Tell you what," I said. "Let's play hide-and-seek first, then I'm going to play you the harp after. We can also go to the pond and rest there if we have the time."

"Really?" she asked with wide eyes. "You'll do all that with me?" She suddenly had this disappointed look in her face and looked down. "But the servants may scold you."

I reached for her hand and helped her up to her feet. "No one can scold me except my father and mother. I'm the princess, I can do what I want." When she turned around, I helped dust her dress from bits of dirt and grass. "And of course I'll do all that with you. There's nothing I want more."

She jumped up and down while raising her hands to the heavens. "Yay! That's why I love you Cybele!" she screamed. I quickly took her arms and turned her to me. "Shhh! Don't say it out loud Talia. If the servants hear that, they'll report it to our parents and they may never allow you to come here again."

"Sorry," she whispered. "I'm just really excited."

"I know you are. But hold it in. You do want to be my bride someday right? Until then, just keep mum about it."

"I promise," she said while raising her right hand. "But you're IT Cybele!" She touched my arm and ran gleefully away from me. I shook my head at her but still smiled inside. She always had that energy in her. We were both children but she was always running around whenever she had the chance. I wonder how she'd be when we grow up.

I could just imagine her beautiful face. I bet we'd be really sweet to each other and she'd say good things to me. She was always the one who was clingy to me and kept repeating she was in love. Ha! As if 6 years olds could be in love already. She might always change her mind in the future, but I intend to keep her hooked to me.

After counting to ten and leaning to the tree, I went in search for her. The garden was more like a forest. We only called it the garden because it was more appropriate. But I was confident that she wouldn't get lost. That girl had a knack for directions. Besides, lots of guards were scattered here. For all we know, they could be staring at as right now.

I ran behind the bushes to see if she was there, but she wasn't. My feet carried me further away and I kept on looking everywhere but she was nowhere in sight. When I was about to give up, I decided to head to the pond and saw her next to the water.

Her eyes were closed and she was lying with her arms and feet spread wide. It seemed that she fell asleep while waiting for me to find her. It was so typical of her. I walked to her and sat gracefully on her left.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now