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dear journal,

i've decided that i can't fucking take it anymore. i'm gay. none of the boys know and keeping it to myself is getting too hard. i found this random notebook in my room and i heard that writing things out can help, so here i am.

i've been avoiding everyone and staying locked in my room, hoping that they believe that i'm sick or something. someone came to my door the other day though, i think it was jonah. i heard him lean against the door and sigh. it's like he's disappointed in himself for not being able to figure me out. i wish i could tell him it's not his fault. everytime i see him i can't think straight. everything gets fuzzy as i get lost in his eyes.

but i don't know how to deal with it.

these feelings,


swirling in my head.

i've never felt this way about anyone before.

but it's wrong.

he's straight.

with a girlfriend.

i feel like i'm on fire.


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