Remembering the past (I)

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Thirteen years ago
Being a child Is the best thing, but your parents being divorced is worst.

   Am a young girl but am not too small to know what's right and what's wrong. My family was broken and each of them got separated.

I miss my dad,my dad left us and he started a new life somewhere in the world, cause I can't say where my dad is  staying right now.
I'm left with my mom, she's young also she gave birth to me in high school. Although my dad and my mom tried for their relationship to work out after bringing me to the world, but it never worked out. Why??
Because they are too young to have a home,when I mean home, they are young to build their own family.

I miss my mom too, but she never came back for me, she promised to come back for me,which she didn't. She left me in the front of an orphanage home and went saying that she was going to come back ,but she never did. I watched my hope fall every time.

So, how was it?? 
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