28. Hope Is Rising

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hope is rising
it's rising
hope is rising
hope is rising
it's rising
hope is rising

verse 1:
just when i thought
i lost it all
you come running to
catch my fall
breathing life
into my weary soul
i will trust in you alone

when the waves come colliding
you keep my head above the waters i believe in

every word that you say
this is the mystery of the gospel
and i can't contain your

hope is rising
it's rising
hope is rising (2x)

verse 2:
you awaken every part of me
you're calling me forth to my destiny
you're opening my eyes to see
your wonders so heavenly


Christ in me
Hope of glory
I want the world to see
Your awesome majesty
Prince of peace
Let your spirit be released
Every heart now be set free (2x)

This song is composed and arranged originally by my personally known worship team.
-just sharin'-

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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