Fight #1

34 1 48

After smut
Pisces Sun: I totally ship this ship!
Leo Moon: Idgaf about the ship. Leo, Marry me!
Sagittarius Rising: *drooling over a naked Leo pic* Fuck Me!
LM: WTH Sag?
LM: R u trying to ruin my image?
PS: Sheds some innocence!
SR: You know how dirty this girl is! Honesty is the best policy here
PS: Yea, that's why she's so introverted...
LM: Not with us around *smirks*
PS: Why did I have to be born around 1 AM? Why couldn't mom wait til like 3:00 PM then maybe I would have Virgo friends! With practicality!
LM: I love you too
SR: I thought u value honesty?
PS: Yea, not speaking my entire mind or stealing my originality for SmUt!
LM: What can you say? Genius!
PS: Ella is fucked Up because of you, idiots.
SR; She loves it. Shut up.
PS: Grrrrhhh... This is why I'm the mom here! *sighs*
SR: Oh come on, u'd be a horrible mom.
PS: 😭 7 kids who are either Scorpio, Aquarius, or Cancer. Why couldn't they have practicality like my bff?
SR: Oh come on, she doesn't have practicality...
PS: Of course she does!
LM: Yea, I'm never telling her that....
PS: Do you, guys, ever think of passiveness?
SR: Heck no!
LM: She's right.
PS: I wanna die so I can leave you two!
SR: And... wanna be free!
LM: I wanna be loved!
PS: I hate you even more....
LM: I mean, look at me, doll, who can't love me?!?
Me: Do not be me, children....

Fighting with my Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Rising Sign!Where stories live. Discover now