Fight #2

20 1 25

Writing Fanfiction
LM: WTH should I write?
PS: I'm writing. I don't trust you two.
SR: Wing the shit
LM: Battle plans are helpful!
SR: Yea and what are you gonna write???
LM: Ummmmm....
PS: *half done* I got the plot!
LM: How????
PS: I went with the flow.... my imagination activates during writing it.
SR: *smirks*
LM: I don't understand you guys! You wing half of the things you make yet u still have a plot!
PS: Yep 👍
LM: Battle plans are good like logic!
PS: I like logic.
SR: Hell with logic!
LM: Why are you the human mask again?
SR: Because Leo=Drama Queen and Pisces=already have accepted Valgrace
PS: It's good ship!
LM: Wait one second... what???
SR: I hate Valgrace...
PS: But...
SR: No
PS: 😭😱😭😱 It's a good ship!
SR: Ur same opinion on Freo!
PS: Because it is! U only ship Liper!
SR: Yea, to gross out my bff.
LM: Also, wtf? I am not a Drama Queen!
SR: Talk to the pants because the hands are busy!
LM: Don't use Leo Valdez on me!
SR: Why not?
LM: U rlly want to be killed today!
*LM and SR starts fighting*
PS: *writes and sings* Mona Lisa, I'd pay to see you frown!
LM: R u gonna help like the peacemaker you are?
PS: Nope
SR: Why?
PS: Cause if one of you kills the other, I only deal with one of you
SR/LM: Smart motherfucker....
PS: Language!
SR: Idgaf
LM: Me neither
SR: Ikr?!
*LM and SR stops fighting*
LM: Thank you for playing peacemaker, Pisces.
SR: *smirks and walks away with Leo*
PS: Noooooooooo!!!!!

Fighting with my Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Rising Sign!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin