Discovering my Feelings

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Draco's POV

I watched as Potter walked by and my heart thumped. Wait?! What?! Why is it doing this?! We've hated each other since 1st year! I know I'm gay but still!  I was lost in thought so when Pansy jumped on my back I turned and pulled out my wand. "Calm down Draco it's okay" Luna's serene voice cut through my adrenaline rush and I put my wand down and got Pansy of me. I looked at the couple and smiled. Luna and Pansy balanced each other well, where Luna was oblivious and kind Pansy was knowing and fierce. Now, I know Luna is no softie I know by experience that her hexes hurt like hell. But, that doesn't mean she's cruel. No, Pansy is the bitch in the relationship but Luna's kindness helps to balance that out. Now, I'm no angel I know damn well I'm an arsehole. I'm proud of it, I probably shouldn't be but I am anyway. Once everything had calmed down again my thoughts turned back to Potter. I wonder if he's gay, or bi. I don't know but he seems pretty smitten with weaslette, too much for my liking. Holy shit! I fancy Harry fucking Potter! Oh, I'm so dead! I looked at Pansy "Where are Theo and Blaise?" I asked, without looking at me she goes, "Common room studying." "More like snogging" said Luna and Pansy just laughed. I shook my head, Luna can be a total airhead sometimes but when she isn't she's as sarcastic as the rest of us.

I headed down to the common to find that Theo and Blaise were in fact snogging. I cleared my throat and I was faced with two death glares. Until they saw my face. Then they grabbed my arm and pulled me up into the dorms. Most us weren't here as some of us came early so we could catch up or just to escape home. Once were in and the door was closed, locked and a silencing charm put on Theo looked at me and asked, "Well, spill, what's wrong?" everyone at Hogwarts knew I was gay. My family did too. Mother more supportive than Father. Then again, father has been to busy trying to convince me to join the lunatic he calls master. I think not. Blaise kicked my leg bringing me back to where we were. I sat down and instead of planning it out just said it, "I fancy Potter! I don't know what to do! Voldemort would hate me if he found out, Father would disown me. If I even tried to be nice to Potter he'd probably hex me into oblivion! Help me guys!" Blaise looked me up and down, finally he sat down and said, "Dray, things might turn out better than you think. Have you ever had a real conversation with Potter. I highly doubt Voldemort would hate you and your father would never disown you." Theo just nodded in agreement. I processed everything he said and when I looked up I could only think of one thing, "How do I have a normal conversation with Potter  of all people. He hates me." the last three words were just above a whisper. Theo and Blaise shared a look. Finally, Theo sighed and looked at me, "Draco, Harry, Blaise and I are friends and have been since third year. You would be quite surprised at his feelings towards you are not as they seem. We also fear, that Harry is being abused at home and that he's being controlled by Dumbledore. Actually he owled us earlier saying he needed to speak to us. So, we'll see." as Theo was finishing and I tried to process all of this the thing that enraged me most was that if Theo and Blaise were right and they normally are, then Harry is being abused. 

The thought of Harry being beaten kept me up all night. By the time I finally fell asleep it was three in the morning and I had to get up in two hours. But, my sleep wasn't peaceful I was plagued with nightmares of Harry being beaten and hurt by his own family. I hope Potter is having a better night than I am.

A/N Next chapter will be Harry's point of view. Past/flashbacks will be in italics and thoughts in bold. I'll let you know if anything 

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