Dare #6

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PhoenixKingLord: "*** **** **!!! You know what here's a ****** dare coming in kid. I dare you to kiss either Roxy xiii__ or Zazzy the man Zazzy109 on the cheek and no loop holes.

I'm going to say this once again and this is your unfortunatel last chance because three strikes you're out! So please keep it appropriate! I want to make it as fun as possible and at the same time appropriate. If you give me another dirty or a nasty dare I'm not going to do your truths or dares you request me to do okay. Also please watch your language. I can't believe I'm saying this but only this once I followed through with the dare considering I looped hole on Larxene Larxene_XII I'm sorry I can't pick between my two best friends Aqua and Terra.

Well I hope my twin brother Roxas forgives me this really hurts me alot doing this dare and to even follow through with it oh man here goes nothing. *In Twilight town and Found my brother on the Clocktower watching the sunset peacefully* I quietly walked behind him with a terrible shame on my face. Please forgive me then *Kiss him on his cheek and walking silently away with total embarrassment and great deal of shame* And now it's done never dare me like this again okay!!! But you know I will not leave my brother like that so I'm going to buy him some Sea salt ice cream as a way to apologise. *Buys Sea salt ice cream and head back to clock tower taking my seat next to my brother and giving him  his Sea salt ice and watching the sunset together with him*

 *Buys Sea salt ice cream and head back to clock tower taking my seat next to my brother and giving him  his Sea salt ice and watching the sunset together with him*

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