Ch. 14

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(((I remember the stain wannabes name being something like Shuichi so... Yeah... Heads up I'm probably wrong)))

This was it. It was time.
Time to destroy Deku.

All Might lost his quirk which gave an advantage and it eliminated an obstacle, but then there was Deku.

The little boy was a crybaby, but after hearing what happened in California, the whole battle before AFO's death, the boy would be difficult to take down.

Red feathers scattered on the ground.
The sound of wine being poured.
Blue flames heating up the place.
Small giggles every now and then.
An argument between alter egos rose.
A girl hugging one's leg.
A bird mask to hide a mouth.
A lonely lizard.
An armless magician.
And a hand, resting on a face.

"Dude! Nice look!" A voice said. Tomura turned to look at the blonde bird. "Shouldn't you be with the fire lord?" Tomura asked.

"Give him a break." Dabi said, picking up one of the feathers. "Me and Hawks are going, let us drink our wine first."

Tomura rolled his eyes. He hated hawks, for more than one reason. One of those reasons where because he was stealing Dabi.

Since Hawks joined, he and Dabi have been hanging out and pulling pranks, which pissed him off. Long story short, Tomura didn't like Hawks.


The crew took their drinks and chugged them, before setting out.

The plan was simple.

Shuichi was gonna go highjack a truck, As Dabi went with Hawks for an ambush on Enji. Twice and Toga will be attacking U.A by sneaking in to go get some blood. Tomura, Chisaki and Sako was going to hitch the ride with Shuichi and get them to the one abandoned place in town where he could kill Deku.

And now, The plan begins.

Toga and Twice

"Jin, I need you to copy clones of me. That way we can collect more blood." Toga said calmly, looking at Jin as he nodded. The two had been dating, and It was nice given the fact the two are like peaas in a pod.

Jin used his quirk, making a few clones of Toga all the while trying not to snap. Toga noticed and patted his cheek. "Cheer daffaq up." She said. He looked at her and nodded, smiling a hidden smile.

The clones went inside the school, swiftly and silently, not getting detected. Toga and Jin went inside, the alarms going off around.

"Shit" Jin cursied. "No no, We want this." Toga said, as the sounds of footprints echoed through.

"Where are we?" Jin asked, before Toga replied with a cheerful tone "The school."

Jin tenses up a bit as Round face and Broccoli showed up.

"Hey Deku~" Toga said, getting out her knife. "How is she here? Wasn't she just with Denki?" Uraraka said, shook.

"They're clones—"

"Yo green head! We can fuken hear you!"
"Oh... Right?" Deku said, loosing focus as Toga charged over, jabbing his with a needle.

"Deku!" Uraraka said, before a clone shows up, Jabbing her.

Uraraka reached over, trying to touch the clone with her fingerpads succeeding, making the Clone float.

"Toga, let's go." Jon said. "On it!" The yandere said, removing the needle from Deku. He didn't fight back, due to him rethinking his life choices. The two left the alarmed school, with Deku and Uraraka following.

Villains got in and stole blood, It would've been a nice idea to follow, only the duo were held back, letting the villains escape.


"Look, man. The truck is reserved for later, and I can't let you damage it." The man said. The lizard sighed. "I guess I have to do this..." Shuichi said, opening the car door, getting in, starting and running over the screaming man. "Yep, this is life..." Shuichi said, blood splattered on the car. "And easier then expected."

Sako, Tomura,Dabi and Chisaki

"Where is she!?" Chisaki asked. "Where's Eri!"

"Calm down, we'll find her —"
"I need her Freak!"

Dabi looked at Chisaki, flipping him off before walking over to Tomura. "Let's hurry this up." Tomura said d, waiting for Shuichi.

Everything was silent, until there was a roaring sound of the engine. The four gathered up, watching the blooded vehicle pull up. "What happened here?" Sako asked.

"Dude wouldn't let he tale it so I ran him over. And we're keeping the car." Shuichi explained. "Now get in."

The four did. Sako in the front, and the others in the back.

The Lizard drove, Dabi leaning against the wall sickly. "What's wrong with you?" Tomura asked. "Motion..." Dabi said.

"Ooh, Like Urushihara?" Tomura asked, his otaku showing before we went and banged on the door. "Slow the fuck down— Fuck!"

Shuichi stopped the car. "Get out."

Dabi did so, since it was his stop. The car drove off.

Long story short, they drove to their site,  meetings Toga and Jin, the sad thing, the plan didn't work. So now they have to find Dabi....

Only problem is that he's going to have a showdown against the big bad—


The two heroes walked town, doing nothing.
Hawks liked Dabi, A lot, But he knew who Dabi liked, they talked about it.
He letted his feelings go, sure that he can find someone else in the world that he could love.

Enji on the other hand was annoyed out of his mind and hated how Hawks wanted to "talk" to him. At last, they stopped.

There was a figure in the distance, giving off a blue glow.
The two stood there, ready to attack.


The showdown begins

As well as the end...

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