The One Who Deserves A Subway

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure I wouldn't need to dream about it, I can see it any time I want!" I grinned, batting my eyelashes up at him.

"I'm sure you could!" He admitted, rather truthfully if I must say, before dropping his head back to rest on the settee arm. "And I don't know why you're getting on at me, you're the one that's pinched my hoody by the looks of it."

"You can have it back if you want? I'll strip in front of you!" He laughed heartily.

"As tempting as that sounds, you can keep it, it looks better on you anyway!" I smiled and got up. "Where ya goin'?" He asked, clearly annoyed I moved.

"Do you know me at all? I'm going to eat, jerk!" Skipping through to the kitchen with a sudden found burst of energy, I heard Jack jump up after me. One of the many things we have in common: our love of food. There was also our taste of music, taste in style, abilities in most subjects, sense of humour and oddly enough the speed of our metabolisms.

"Do me a favour and put the bread in the toaster for me?" I asked, getting the jam out the cupboard and the spread out the fridge. Behind me I could hear the toaster getting pushed down. I bent down to search the fridge, but there was nothing exciting, so I stood back up. As I closed the door, I felt arms circle my waist and a chin land on my shoulder.

"I'm so tired," he mumbled, closing his eyes. I put my hands over his and leaned back against him. "Its your fault for being so amazing."

I had to say, the situation was hilarious. Firstly that Jack, who although I am tall, is about a head taller than me, was resting on my shoulder. Watching him slouch was entertainment in itself. Secondly, that Jack, who was good at basically everything, was calling me amazing. And by the tone of his voice, I don't think he was joking. I can tell now how Jack's feeling all the time, but this just shocked me.

Turning around in his arms, I wrapped mine around his neck. "You're too nice. And too stupid clearly if you believe that!" His eyes widened slightly as I said that before groaning.

"You're putting yourself down again! You are amazing!" I smiled, slightly embarrassed, which was weird because I never got embarrassed around him.

"If I'm amazing then you really must be part god!" I giggled slightly which set him off too. He looked down at me and grinned.

"I could argue this for hours about how amazing you are but we must eat now or be late for school!" I sighed, before withdrawing my arms from his neck. Instead of doing the same, he brought me closer and easily lifted me slightly off the ground.

"You only do that 'cause you like having my chest in your face!" I laughed. Instead of laughing with me like I thought he would, he looked me in the eyes. His had a mischievous glint in them.

"Maybe," he replied before diving his face into my chest. I squealed, surprisingly loudly for someone of my thin structure. Of course, Olly found this the perfect moment to emerge from his room for the first time properly in a month.

"Ew, Lee, you're 15! Wee whore..." He muttered before pinching our toast which had just popped. Jack dropped me straight away, red-faced but looking extremely happy for himself. I on the other hand, was just red.

"That's our toast asshole!" I said, even though I wasn't bothered. "And let's not forget what we walked in to that time Allison was over!" I said, referring to the time me and Jack walked into the den to find him and his girlfriend Allison basically dry-humping on our couch.

"Ah, but I'm allowed to!" He said smugly, before walking back to his room.

"Ugh, I'm so hungry but knowing us, if we make more toast, we'll be late. Fancy an apple?" Jack made a face at my suggestion before looking at the time on his phone.

"Well, we have half an hour to get to school, 25 of which it will take to walk there, so why don't I treat you and take you to Subway on the way there? I could phone Daryl now so it's ready when we get there?" I grinned at the fact he knew me so well as he reached to phone his old neighbour, whom he was still friends with and conveniently worked in our favourite place to eat.

"Ok, but only if I'm allowed to treat you to a takeaway pizza for tea?" A weird look spread over his face, one that I hadn't seen before. It stopped just as quickly as it started and he smiled before giving me another hug.

"That sounds amazing," he mumbled into my neck. I laughed lightly.

"Come on Barakat, you owe me a Subway, and we have to leave now!" Grabbing his hand and both our bags, I went to the door as we headed to Subway.

A/N: hey:)

so basically, as you will probably be able to tell, this is my first fanfic on here, so if its terrible, just tell me? cool:P

but yeah, no offence but I'm not gonna be the sort that begs you to vote and comment and that, but if you like it please do:) just dont expect me to get on my knees and all that shizz

so anyway, cheers:D

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