Chapter 2

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As usual, I have time to go for a ride after all the chores are done in the barn. All the Horses are kicked out and stalls mucked out. I have decide to ride Abbi today because Ozzie is still lame, but will better by tomorrow. So I go out to the pasture and grad Abbi. I put on her bridle on and ride bareback because I trust her.

The ride goes great until we come across a Mountain lion. Abbi rears and bolts off with me still on her. I try to slow her down before we come in sight of the barn. My boyfriend, Patrick comes running out of the barn. Abbi gets a glance of him before i do and she slows down to a collect canter, to a trot, and to a walk, than stops right before Patrick. As I dismount Patrick asks "what in the world happened?" I answer "Why don't you ask that Mountain lion" in a smart remark.

Patrick drives us to school. When we get to school, he kisses me on the forehead good bye and we split our ways.

A/N~ I kinda think not a lot of people are going to like this book. But it's worth a try. Let me know if you like it or not.

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