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A.J stood next to me. She was short and geeky, like someone you would see get in trouble for reading. When I first saw her, her almost black hair sprayed across her back. She wore the same as us, a simple brown t-shirt and pants. The way she threw herself at the man, in the beginning, caused Siren to gasp. I tried to tell her not to run, now Oliver is going to make her life a living hell.

"no" she whispered so quietly that I thought for a second I had imagined it. A single tear fell down her face. "You, left," she said louder.

"Oh did I," Miss said back. A sickening smile formed over her face. The lady owns the place, well we call her Miss, don't ask why. "What's your name?" She sneered.

"You know my name." Another tear fell down her cheek, almost unnoticeable. "I hate you, dude."

Miss looked fear-stricken, then angry. "Shut up"

"monster." A.J's hair was yanked. "ow" then was yanked out the door.

"A.J" I tried to grab her, but I was too late. "Fuck. That girl always likes to get into trouble. Hours past and still no sign of her. Suddenly a peal of sharp laughter came through and a sharp but short cry. I ran over to the door. "A.J" the door wouldn't move no matter how much I punched it. "A.J"

Siren put a hand on my shoulder "Calm down."

"ugh" was my response. A few more hours passed. The door burst open and in was thrown a bloody and shaking A.J. She slowly forced herself onto her feet. She was smiling.

"Your just a weakling sweetheart." Miss spat at her.

"At least I don't run from my problems." A.J countered back.

"Oh really, is that so" Miss clenched her teeth.

"yeah, it is. So you know what. Go ahead kill me. I don't care what happens I know that you'll rot in hell anyways." Miss's eyes were wide and her mouth was gaping like a fish out of water. She spun on her heels and slammed the door. "vavonculo"

"you're an idiot." I rolled my eyes. "I hate you"

"I can live with that." She grinned. She winced and I noticed just how to hurt she was. I reached for her but she swatted away my hand "I'm fine."

Months had passed since A.J came, she went away for two weeks then when she came back her soft caring brown eyes were replaced by dark clouded black ones. Her soft olive tan was now an eerie pale white. Her short cropped brown hair was now long black with strips of white. You couldn't even see her left eye. She kept it covered with her hair. She refused to talk to many people. Her and Siren had gotten closer but she seemed to trust Paisley and I. Mika and A.J were like sisters now too, I think so at least, it's hard to tell when they seem to be out for each other's blood.

"Paisley guess what" A.J smiled softly. A rare sight, almost resembling the one I had met months ago. "I got you a present" She held out her hand and out fell a small flower shaped necklace. The chain was a soft silver. "you like it?" A.J almost looked nervous handing it off. Paisley nodded excitedly.

"Paisley what do you say" Mika glanced at A.J and winked.

"Thank you, A.J" Paisley bounced on her heels as A.J looped it on her neck and fastened it. The door burst open and two boys and a girl fell through. A.J's face went even paler. The girl had light brown hair and hazel eyes. She was olive skinned like A.J should be, but the girl was shaking violently. Paisley pulled at A.J's torn shirt When A.J tore her gaze from the girl Paisley surprised all of us. "go to your sissy." Paisley's pale blonde hair fell over her face.

"Thanks, Paisley." A.J almost ran to the girl he two boys huddled around the girl. A.J started mumbling. She spoke a little louder. "' Damen what happened?"

"She went to look for you after a year of you being missing she couldn't handle it. This van came and she," Damen started shaking the other boy started up.

"She was in the van. It took a toll on her and she screamed, that didn't go over well."

"She's not a fighter like you" The boy summed up "she couldn't take it and she would have died if well," He was cut off by A.J abruptly standing up and starting to yell to get away from the door. They dragged the girl away from the door just as a melted hole appeared in the door.

"Where is it" Miss screamed. The girl screamed. A.J hunched over the girl. Miss grabbed A.J and threw her away. She grabbed the girl. The girl flailed her arms. I lunged and tackled Miss. She dropped the girl and Damen caught her. I glanced at A.J. She was lying on the ground unmoving.

"Dom look out!" Siren screamed. I looked back at Miss, just in time to see and dodge a whip coming down. I took a quick left hook to her face and moved. Siren grabbed Miss's hands. Miss whistled and Oliver burst in. He tackled her and knocked her to the ground. Siren's natural blue hair fell over his face. Oliver started shaking and darkness surrounded him. It crept through the room lacing everything in black. He was looking paler by the second. The traitor's face showed nothing but pain. Then all darkness stretched out.

AN- I know its bad but... thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2019 ⏰

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