"You own that?"

"Yep," Fred said, "We will open it when we have finished out NEWTs, so two years (AN I am making Fred one year older instead of two years)," Fred said,

"That will be great, Fred," YN said.

The rest of the holidays went quickly. Fred woke YN up on September 1st,

"Love, breakfast," Fred said. YN woke up,

"I'll meet you downstairs, yeah," she said, changing into skinny, ripped jeans and a loose, cropped shirt before slipping on her Doc Martens and going downstairs,

"Is everyone packed?" Molly asked, serving breakfast for everyone,


"No," George said,

"George, I packed with you yesterday," Fred said,

"I forgot," he shrugged. YN smiled and they got in an enchanted car and drove to Kings Cross,

"Together?" Fred said,

"Together," YN and Fred ran at the barrier, arriving in front of the scarlet train they both missed dearly,

"Let's find a compartment before it gets too full," came Harry's voice,

"I'm going to go and find Alicia Spinnet, bye," George said, Ginny went to find Luna,

"Guess that just leaves us four then," Hermione said. The four made their way onto the train and found a compartment. YN tripped over her suitcase, Dean Thomas helped her up,

"Thanks, Dean," she said,

"No problem, YN, love," he winked at her. YN turned to see Fred fuming, she looked at him with a face that said I got this,

"Please don't call me love, Dean," YN said,

"And why is that, love?" he asked,

"My fiance won't like it," she said. Dean looked at her,

"Fiance? You? Who?"

"Fred," YN said, showing her ring, "And there is a rule against student/teacher relationships, and I think you are borderline breaking it," YN smirked and walked into the compartment and sat down, "Prick," she muttered,

"Professors should not swear," Harry said, grinning like an idiot,

"Fuck you," YN said, smiling sweetly,

"I think we need to go to a prefect's meeting, now, Harry," Hermione said, seeing that he was about to say something in response,

"Yeah, see you soon,"

"Bye Harry, Mione," Fred said. Lupin arrived in their carriage and the three talked for a bit.

After what seemed like ages, they arrived at Hogwarts and entered the Great Hall. YN sat next to Fred and Hermione, who was next to Harry. After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore began the start of year announcements, 

"I would like to offer congratulations and thanks to Miss YN Lily Potter, for those of you who have not been keeping up on the news, YN Potter worked all summer to help take down Voldemort, and thanks to her hard work, we are winning the Second Wizarding War," he began an applause, which was continued throughout the great hall, "She and Professor Lupin will be this years Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers, Professor Lupin will be teaching NEWT level and Professor Potter will be teaching OWL level," applause erupted again, "Remember, Voldemort is out there, stay within the school grounds, and no harm will come to you. May the feast begin," he flicked his wand and food appeared in front of everyone. 

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