Chapter 2 Art

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"Wow, Modern Art galleries are so far one of my faves," Killian mused. "So we're both taken by fine art huh?" Regina asked him as he was adjusting his camera. "Yes," He smiled and clicked the camera at her. 

"Oh really? That's smooth," Regina joked. "What? You're like art too," he grinned. "I'm a thousand years old?" Regina teased. "No, that's me," Killian said. 

"Oh why?" She quirked. "I just always seemed to have an old soul, playful but still an old soul," He laughed. 

"Wow, we've spent five hours in here," Regina realized looking at the time. "Well it's beautiful, did we see everything?" He looks at their little map of the large galleria. 

Regina stares at him, not at the map, it's been about twelve hours with him. They met up that morning for a lovely breakfast at their hotel, their rooms being in the same hallway, funnily enough. 

He was charming, funny, laid back, and interesting and his smile was making Regina's heart palpitate.

Killian wasn't kidding about Regina being art. She was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was curious, and sweet, and clearly genuinely compassionate. 

"How about a nice lunch?" Killian asked. "Oh you know we never talked about paying for things," Regina mused at him, not wanting to assume that he would just be expected to pay. 

"Mmm, guy pays makes you feel more like a date?" He asked with an eyebrow raise. "Well..." Regina shrugged. "Come on you're not that old fashioned are you? You seem like a modern day strong empowered woman," He said.

"I am... just maybe we alternate? You buy lunch, I buy dinner, then we switch?" She asked. "Okay fine, but I'm treating you to gelato later," He insisted, with a wink. "Ok I won't say no to chocolate," Regina smiled cutely.

Killian's POV 

That KILLS me. 

The pair sat outside on beautiful cast iron table and chairs with soft ivory linens. The flowers cascading around the bordering fence to the restaurant and Regina found herself just laughing at Killian's jokes and conversation. 

"Ok, so how about the Brand New Gallery and Pinacoteca di Brera next?" He suggested. She giggled at him trying to do an Italian accent. "What? The Irish pokes through doesn't it?" He asked. "It's not bad, it's .... cute," Regina shrugged. 

"How about the Sforzesco Castle and the San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore as well if we have time?" She asked.

"Castle huh? You are a Queen I guess," Killian mused. "Well my name does mean that," She smiled. "Mm you do have a regal persona," He said. 

"Are you religious?" Regina asked. "Mmm, raised Irish Catholic," he nodded. "Mm, Roman Catholic," Regina added. "Then I guess we would be allowed to wed," he joked. 

Regina's POV

Yes please. 

As the pair roamed around to their next locations, they enjoyed the beauty of the artistic decor and centuries old designs surrounding them. They weren't blinded though to the beauty of each other.

It was no surprise the romantic setting of Italy was drawing them even more to be a bit closer. Killian standing behind Regina to take a selfie, and placing his hand on her waist, she couldn't help but sigh at his touch around her. 

She looked over her shoulder and his height difference to her made her weak a bit. Flicking her eyes up to his, he asked, "What's next?" in a quiet tone.

She stared at his lips as he spoke and then realized she had to answer him. "Oh, umm, you promised me gelato," Regina smiled. "Mmm, okay, think there's a place up there," he took out his phone to map it out.

Regina's POV

Jesus Regina don't kiss him, almost twenty four hours from meeting him and you're falling for him. Just great. But he's so dreamy. This is really not my fault, it's his. Him and his perfect smile and blue eyes and that damn voice of his. His hand was so big on my waist. 

They get to the gelato place, and look over the flavors. "You know if you get two and I get two we can have a total of four," He said. "Logical thinking," Regina agreed. 

Their little cups of the frozen treat were filled with four different flavors and they walked towards a beautiful bridge. 

Leaning over the side as Regina took a little scoop of her first flavor into her mouth. "Wow," the chocolate hazelnut encased over her tongue and she sighed happily. 

Regina watched him drag the small spoon out of his mouth slowly, pulling the tiramisu flavor off of it, and pressing his lips together tasting the creaminess. She focused on his scruff as it shaped around his lips. 

"Good?" he mumbled, "Mmhmm, it's so good I may move into it," Regina said. 

Regina's POV 

That was so stupid Regina. 

He chuckled, "You would be cold," he mentioned. "Right, mmm, here try this one?" Regina offered him a little scoop of one flavor. 

Just feeling him take the little bit off her spoon as he looked at her was driving her wild. "Mmm, that's a good one, here," as he loaded a little on his spoon to give her a try of the others, she stared at him with her mouth opening slowly.

For whatever reason she closed her eyes awaiting for the taste. 

Killian's POV

Just take a chance 

As he noticed her eyes close, he made an impulsive decision. As the remaining bite melted into his mouth, he tilted his head, and locked his lips onto hers.

She was surprised it wasn't a spoon of gelato, but his soft, strong and scruffy lips instead. Regina was not disappointed, and kissed him back keeping her eyes closed and moving her right hand holding her cup away from him so not to spill it.

He did the same, while swooping his free arm around her waist. 

Regina's hand rested on the center of his back, and she leaned back and smiled at him. "Sorry, it was too delicious to pass up," he said. "Yeah I think I just got a taste of your flavor," She said.

He grinned, "And?" He asked. "I think I like the tiramisu," she mumbled. Killian laughed, and kissed her softly once more. 

"Wow, you're a really good kisser," She couldn't resist saying. "No, it's just the gelato," he denied. "No, that's just why it was cold... to start," she said. "Mmm that definitely wasn't cold from what I felt," he said. 

Regina's POV

Jesus that was the best kiss of my life. 

"You know I recall you telling me not to fall for you," Regina said. "Yeah well, do as I say, not as I do," he shrugged.

Regina's POV

Is that him admitting he's falling for me? 

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