Chapter Two - Sophie

Start from the beginning

“Shut up, Sophie,” he murmured without looking up.

This time her eye roll spun around without her consent. “You used to be fun,” she pouted. 

Unhappy with the lot of them she focused on the only thing worth giving any serious attention to. Her food. A golden biscuit lay on the fine china plate before her. She used her fingers to peel apart the buttery layers. One could tell just by looking at them that it would melt instantly on one’s tongue. As she spread a thick dollop of honey over the bread, her stomach twisted again, like it had before when she was thinking about the lights. It was so excessive. All of it. From the amount of butter used to make this single biscuit, to the full basket of fruit on the table in front of her. Her studies had taught her that the Lunars’ food was rationed and that the prisoners of Tula had even less. And yet here was a table full of food for just four people, five when her father finally turned up. And if she wanted something different, all she needed to do was ask and they would bring it for her. 

She should feel guilty that they had all this while others went without. She knew  that it should be guilt that made her stomach twist this way. 

But it wasn’t. She didn’t feel guilty that she got to eat this biscuit, which as it happens did melt in her mouth, just like she expected. She loved biscuits. And she didn’t feel guilty about the lights, because without them how would she entertain herself in the evenings, when the moons tucked themselves out of sight over the horizon. Even if it would help others, she would not want to give these luxuries up. All of which was just too complicated for late afternoon tea. 

As she was licking the final flakes from her fingers, her father finally joined them. She loved the way the Emperor entered the room. He was all long strides and roving eyes, cataloging every asset and threat within the walls. When he was satisfied everything was as it should be, he smiled down at his family, a more restrained version of Marie’s earlier demonstration. He and Marie looked the most alike. She had his well-defined jaw and small ears. But whereas the princess was all smiles and chatter, the Emperor expressions were more restrained. He played his hand close to his chest, only giving what was necessary. He smiled but he didn’t grin. He chuckled but he never laughed so hard he gulped for air. He loved them but he didn’t spoil them with affection. 

“I’m sorry to keep you all waiting,” he said as he leaned in to give his wife a kiss.

“Not at all,” Sophie interrupted before her mother could speak. “As you can see, we didn’t wait at all.” She reached out and selected another pastry from the basket, prompting Marie to do the same. Always the copycat. 

Her father chuckled, filling his own plate with one hand, while his other rested over the Empress’s, placating her. 

“So tell us,” Sophie continued. “What kept you away? War? Famine? A new planet of refugees on our doorstep with their hands out?” That even got Pierre to look up from his reading. Their servants were primarily Lunars, but were peppered with the more well-bred Querians. Her comment was sure to travel through the palace by nightfall. 

But unlike her mother, her father never reprimanded her for not behaving like a princess. He treated her like the future ruler she was. 

“Nothing quite so dramatic,” he said with a smile as he waited for his tea to be poured.

“If it wasn’t dramatic, why were you late?” his wife asked.

He ignored her and continued speaking to Sophie. “A prisoner escaped.” 

The room went silent except for the sound of Marie scraping her fork across her plate. 

Sophie knew the answer, but she had to ask. “From Tula?” They didn’t keep prisoners anywhere else. But no one had ever escaped from Tula. It was on another moon, for Sun’s sake. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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