A song that can be sung end

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The next game was twisters

Eventfully enough we kept tripping, falling and messing up

Every one of us got in awkward situations

I was aware of this so I advised all girls to change their skits into pants

After we had a nail painting competition which Amami won by a landslide because he has siblings and majority are sisters so he usually paints his sister's nails for them

Then a blind makeup game, to a treasure hunt, telephone, kings orders

After various kinds of games we had to do one more game

I don't know why since it was past 1am but whatever

We did a karaoke and I was forced to sing a oddly strange song

"The song that cannot be sung?"

Shirogane: yes!  It's a challenging song that I haven't been able to master yet!  I wanted to find someone who can sing his

"Alright, but don't blame me if I sing terribly"

Shirogane starts the music as I sung along

(Note: the song above)

After song singing and me hurting my voice from accents I managed to sing the song without messing up

Everyone clapped while Ouma just stared at me amazed?

Why?  My singing was terrible

I sat down beside Ouma

"What's with that look?"

Oh shoot!  I was looking at her weirdly wasn't I?!

Aw, I ship them!


So cute!

Hm, Gonta wonder what Gonta should sing

Look at those two!  Just get a f*cking room already you horny bastards!

She has a nice voice

Looks like everyone's getting along very well!

Why is everyone staring at Ouma and L/N?  Weird

Everyone needs to chill

Such humanity and youth is shown

As thoughts fill my head I try to listen to Ouma as he nervously looks down curling up mumbling something

How am I going to tell her than her voice was beautiful without getting flustered

I hear internal screaming from Ouma as I smile

"What's wrong Ouma-Kun?"

Ouma quickly looks at me then avoids eye contact with a red face

"N-nothing!" He squeaks out

S-she's cute!

How does his thoughts stutter too?

I smile at him as we go to sleep

Due to how late it is I am going to have a difficult time waking up

Oh well

Better set a alarm clock then

The next day 

I woke up after what seemed to be 10 people trying to wake me up

Everyone was shaking me as I groaned

"What is it..."

Akamatsu: finally you woke up!

Amami: you slept like a log L/N-San

I slowly get up

"Sorry, I'm a heavy sleeper too so I usually can't get up properly"

I look at the time and everyone woke me up an hour before my alarm clock 

"....why the hell did you wake me up so early"

I glared at the wake up group

Ouma I-it's because we though it w-would be better if you woke up f-first then go home so p-please don't be angry!"

Ouma looks down sadly 

I pat his head

"Okay then"

Ouma got slightly flustered at me petting his head as I got up, went to the washroom, changed back into my clothes, grabbed my pyjamas and go home

After I went home I changed into my school uniform and started to cook breakfast

My parents were still asleep surprisingly

Usually they are up earlier

They must have worked later or went out for a drink

After my parents got up we all had breakfast together


Mother: yes Y/N?

"What would happen if I wanted to stay here?"

Father: why would you ask that princess?

"Well, just curious"

Mother: we wouldn't mind but it would worry us

Father: you may be 16(pretend age) but you would be alone in the house

Mother: it would be difficult to contact you

Father: but if you want to stay I actually would mind

Mother: honey!

Father: I would be too concerned about leaving my princess behind

Mother: ....at least that's what your father would say

Oh no....

"How long would be stay overseas?"

Father: perhaps a 15 - 20 years

Mother: so if you want to stay you should let us know soon

Father: you better let me know though

"I got it papa"

I give a smile to them

....should I go?.....should I stay?......

I sort of want to stay

Since this is the first time I've made proper friends in....pretty much years

Well....I should think about it first

There is a chance that they might be lying

Although I could read their mind

So why am I doubting them

After finishing breakfast I change into my uniform, grab my bag and leave the house

I sigh then walk to school

What the heck

Well I guess I am a terrible person....

But whatever

It' time for school now

Pregame!Kokichi Ouma x ESP!Reader - liesWhere stories live. Discover now