Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Wouldn't that be the same things?" I cut in.

"Shut up. Where was I? Oh yes, so no making stuff up, and you will not miss a detail, got it?"

I nod my head. "Good. Now you can talk. But just not near these trash cans, they smell like a donkey's ass."

"Wait, wait!" Danielle interjects, laughing her ass off. "She actually made you sleep on the floor? As she took your bed?"

I sighed and tried to give her a glare, but it just turned out to be a smile. "Yep. She'd win first place in the bitch awards."

"I wouldn't doubt that. Now go on," Danielle commanded.

I laugh. "Okay. So after she changed and stuff, she immediately fell asleep. And may I add that she snores like a freaking pig. Anyway it was like two in the morning and..." I went on to tell her about how Ben decided to sneak into the room and lay down next to me. I felt like I was blabbing, but once I started, I couldn't stop. I guess that was because I finally had someone to talk to again. There was a stupid smile on my face the whole time I was talking that wouldn't wipe off.

Danielle smiled, but it seemed sort of struggled. Oh well. It was probably 'cause her "friends" were shooting daggers her way. "So...are you two, like?"

"I guess," I answered. "I mean, I'm still sort off with Nate. But after I saw that picture, it was impossible to even look his way. There's no way we're ever getting back together."

Danielle had a un-readable expression on her face. She quickly changed it to a goofy smile and sang, off-key, "You two are never, ever getting baaaack tooogether."

I nudged her shoulder. "Shut up. So I'm just going to tell him during Biology that we're done. And I'm going back with Ben."

Danielle winced a little. "Okay. You do that."

Just then, the bell rang. I threw away my tray and walked with Danielle to class. She seemed a little dazed, but I couldn't blame her. What I told her was a lot of information to take in. This reminded me of her personal life. I didn't want to feel like one of those girl's who won't shut up about their love life, because trust me, I know plenty of girls who do that. So, I decided to ask her something about her love life. "So how's Jake?"

She blinked. "Who?" She snapped out of her day dream or whatever and looked up at me. "Oh! Jake. Yeah, him. He's uh, doing...good."

"What happened between you two?" I took out a piece of gum and offered some to her. She politely shook her head.

"We decided to do that long distance thing. His dad got a job in like, Africa or something. Or maybe it was his mom." She shrugged it off easily.

See, that was one of the things I liked about Danielle. She wasn't one of those girls who would mope around for days because of one breakup. She knew that the past was the past and you couldn't change anything about it. It's just one boy. There are over three billion more in the world. It's not that hard to shake off the dust from your shoulders and find a new one. Sometimes I wish I could think like her.

I smirked. "How many boys have you screwed over ever since he left?"

Danielle gave me a innocent smile. "What are you talking about?"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, you know what I'm talking about. We do this every time you have a breakup. And after all these years, you're still denying it."

I knew that I was going to get the truth out of her some time. Of course Danielle had slept with other guys. She always does. With her blonde hair, high cheekbones, and dazzling smile, it wasn't hard to find a guy for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2012 ⏰

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