"What are you doing here? Didn't expect you to be the drinking type." Graham commented, looking around to see if anyone wanted another drink.

"Um, I'm waiting for Damon actually. He invited me on a date, I guess. If he even considers it one." Graham chuckled while playing with his fingers.

"Hey Graham?"


"If I'm going to be completely honest, I didn't expect you to be a bartender. I thought that you'd be like... an employee at like Walmart or something." I laughed. Graham smiled.

"Well actually, this is just what I do in my free time. I'm actually in a band called Blur with, Damon, Alex, and Dave."

I almost choked on my wine. He was in Blur?! Damon was in Blur?! I fucking loved that band. I only listened to their music but never really saw their faces.

"I fucking love your music, holy shit!" I laughed. Graham blushed. Feeling quite giddy with the news, I danced along in my seat to the music in the background.

"Hey, Y/n!" I heard another familiar voice call. I turned around with a smile to see Damon walking up to me. He looked absolutely handsome. He had a white button up shirt with black jeans, and some black converse, just like I had on.

"Hey. You look great." I commented. Damon smiled at me, sitting in the seat to my left.

As we sat there chatting, I noticed how open minded Damon was. It was nice and in fact he did make my heart flutter.

"Hey, uh, Graham told me you guys were in a band...?" I turned to face Damon completely. He raised his eyebrows at me, turning to completely face me as well.

"Uh. Yeah actually. Should've told you about that, sorry love." I raised an eyebrow at his statement.

"What do you mean? You didn't have to tell me." Damon smiled at me. Did he think I was upset at him for not telling me? Smiling back at him, I took a small sip of my wine.

Time passed quickly, sadly enough. We were having such a fun time that the minutes went quicker than normal. I didn't want to say goodbye, but it wasn't like I could stay with him, my mom would think I was sleeping around. Even though Damon was in a really popular band, it didn't change what I thought about him. He was still a goofball and really kind. It didn't matter that he was famous. A person is a person, he wasn't just a celebrity.

"I think I'm gonna head out, Damon." Damon gave me puppy eyes, begging me to stay a bit longer. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"C'mon, stay out late tonight, have a bit o-of fun." Damon smirked, nudging my shoulder. His face dropped as I shook my head.

"My mom will think I'm sleeping around. Plus my phone is going to die." I felt bad because I wanted to stay with him. Though, it wouldn't hurt to lie to my mom right? Damon's eyes were too hard to officially say no to, so I sighed, showing that I gave in.

"Fine, I'll-" He cut me off in a tight hug. I smiled into the hug. It was nice.

"Thanks, Y/n." Damon said with gratitude. He stepped away, looking down at me.

"I wanna go." I pleaded. Damon looked around like he was thinking.

"A-Alright fine." He smiled. Linking his hand with mine, he walked us to the bar to say goodbye to Graham. His hand felt big compared to mine, it was a cute fit.

"Alright you two, have fun." Graham said as he slid a beer smoothly to a customer. He then gasped. "Don't forget protection!"

Damon's mouth was agape and my face was flushed red. Customers around us stared like we were the biggest jokes in East London. Hurridly, I waved goodbye to Graham, and dragged Damon out of the bar.

"I can't believe him!" I groaned as we walked to Damon's car. Damon started to laugh hysterically. "I'm glad you think it's funny!"

"Me too." Damon laughed again. I smacked his chest roughly, but he wasn't phased. When we reached his car, Damon opened the door for me.

"Thank you, gentleman." I said sarcastically. He just nodded and closed it for me as well. Once Damon sat down in his seat, he turned to face me.

"I had fun tonight." He grabbed a string of my hair, playing with it. I looked up at him while locking eyes.

"Me too. I'm glad we actually decided to do this." I looked back down at my lap. Damon giggled, kissing my cheek. Blushing, I looked out the car window so he couldn't see.

"I know you're blushing." Dammit. Turning to face him, I rolled my eyes. He chuckled, starting the car.

"Let's go home." Damon stated while driving us both to his apartment.


"Brrr, it's cold in here." I stated as we stepped into Damon's apartment. Damon rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, uh, here." He trailed off as he picked a blanket up off the couch, and threw it around my shoulders. I blushed, thanking him.

"Sorry, there's n-not much to do." Damon stated. Telling him it's fine, he nodded, making his way to the TV.

"Wanna watch TV, Y/n?" I nodded, sitting next to him.

"Hey, Dames?"


"Do you like horror movies?" I tilted my head. Damon glanced at me, smiling.

"Yes. In fact I love horror movies." I grinned at his response. Tapping my chin, I tried to think of a good movie that would make me scream in fright. Those were the good ones.

"Oh, Chucky is a good movie." I recommended. Damon smirked, looking for that movie on the small box TV.

"Oh, here it is." He announced, clicking the OK button on the remote. The beginning credits started and I snuggled into the blanket more.

-smol time skip-

As we were halfway through the movie, I realized how cozy Damon and I had gotten. His arm was around my shoulder and my head was snuggled on his chest. Our legs were also tangled. Blushing, I tried to pay attention to the movie again.

Damon seemed to notice to as I also saw him glance at me soon after.

As soon as we both focused back on the movie, some banging was heard on the front door. Damon jumped in shock, getting up to check who was at the door. I followed in case something happened.

"Damon?" We heard from the other side of the door. It was a very familiar voice. It sounded like Alex. Worried, I opened the door.

"Alex? Holy shit, you're soaking wet!" I yelled. Damon and I didn't even notice that it was pouring outside. Alex happened to get the downfall of that.

"My c-car broke down and I-I'm really cold. Let me in?" Damon nodded, letting Alex in. Damon ran off, probably getting a towel and fresh clothes. I grabbed my blanket, throwing it around Alex while he waited for Damon to get back.

"Thank you, Y/n."

"So... your car broke down?!" I asked. Rubbing his back. He nodded, looking me in the eye. I couldn't help but think how handsome he was. Shaking my head, I stopped thinking about that.

"I need a shower." Alex exhaled. He hugged me lightly, trying not to get me wet (heh heh). He placed his chin on my head and I giggled. He had an advantage since he was so damn tall. I hugged him back.

"Alright here's... oh." Damon came back in, his face falling as he saw Alex and I. Coughing awkwardly, I let go of Alex, taking a step back.

"Right. I have to use the wee so... have fun." I stated as I hurridly made it to the bathroom. I did my business, then made my way back. Remembering that we left the movie on, I went to check on it. It looked that we missed about 5 minutes.

"Damon! The movie is still on!" I yelled. Soon after, his head poked around the corner.

"Ooh, right. Alex is getting changed so I might as well join back in." He made his way to the small couch, patting the space next to him. Gaining the confidence, I decided to snuggle with him again.

About 5 minutes later, Alex made his way back, taking a seat on the other end of the sofa. We all zoned out on the movie, and before I knew it, I was asleep in Damon's arms.

Charmless Man - Damon Albarn X Fem Reader X Alex JamesWhere stories live. Discover now