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Feel free to skip this its probably just going to be ugly sobbing and trying to justify why I'm keeping all the characters alive (here's the short version: I LOVE THEM)


K, that's enough of that.

I get it why Marvel had to kill of Tony and Natasha, and even why they sent Steve back in time to live out his days. They wanted it to be an end of an era; they'd built up to this movie for TEN YEARS it had to mean something, it had to be significant, it had to pave the way for the next generation of heroes.

However, it hurts me too much to think about my beloved heroes actually being gone from the next movies.
Spiderman is my favorite (obviously, even if I'm too lazy to consistenly hyphen his name), Captain Marvel gives me the shivers she's so bomb, Sam is going to be a hilarious Captain America, Ant-Man and his daughter are adorable, T'Challa and Shuri are literally the coolest people I've never met, and all the new movies coming out look so amazing I want to scream.
But: Tony Stark is the first hero I saw on screen (though I saw it at home since I was too little to remember when we saw it in cinema, but we bought the DVD and... well, all that blah I watched all 3) and I love him to death, ESPECIALLY his latest, most fitting, yet most short-lived fatherly arc.
Steve Rogers is the sarcastic righteous fury we all need in our lives and I'm not willing to let him have such an anit-climactic ending.
Bruce Banner... the Hulk... I'm not sure how I feel about that. Half the time I'm like 'good for him coming to terms with himself' the other half I'm just wondering what happened to my littler shy bruce banner who had to stuff down this angry beast, and Thor Ragnarok did him SO WELL I wasn't ready to let go.
And Clint needs to be Hawkeye, not Mohawkeye. Puh-lease never put him in an anime again, Marvel.
Thor. Oh gosh, Thor baby. You were supposed to be the hot one, we all still had high hopes for you! I mean, obviously he's more than a six pack and he's learned and developed so much and I am going to have SO MUCH FUN with his newest Norweigan Hobo arc and Loki pretending to be dead following him all over the place, but still.
Natasha Romanov.
Say it with me folks:
She deserved to see Clint's and Tony's kids grow up to call her Auntie Nat. She deserved to develop her obvious friendship with Carol and Okoye. She deserved to see her family reuinited and thriving. SHE DESERVED TO BE IN THE FINAL WOMAN'S MARCH AGAINST THANOS WHEN THEY WERE PROTECTING MY SON PETER AND WHEN THEY FINALLY SCARED THANOS SHE DESERVED TO SEE WHAT SHE INSPIRED AFTER WORKING WITH MEN FOR ALL HER LIFE SHE DESERVED-
She deserved better.

And this is what this fic is about. It's not about trying to change what happened, or trying to deny it, or even being mad at Marvel for what they did (I already explained my understanding of that). My fics, and I believe all future marvel fanfics that change canon, will not be a twisted rendition of the movies.
They will be a tribute to Stan Lee and his genius.

Sorry for getting all emotional, but I did warn you about this!!!!!!!!
And let's face it, I'm best when it comes to ANGST.
So without further adeu, lets bring on the fluffy, hurt/comfort, angsty, mish mash disaster that I'm about to toss all over you guys! Yay!

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