"Okay. Well I I'll definitely take out butter, syrup and blueberries I guess... and um. Everything else?"

"Good idea. Oh and can I have the blueberries? I'm gonna put them in mine. I already made some plain and chocolate chip pancakes though, if you'd like."

I open up the fridge and pull the blueberries off of the bottom shelf and hand them to Mrs. Irwin. I then take out the butter, organic syrup, and an assortment of fruit. I place all of those on the kitchen table, then open up a cupboard to grab the syrup and honey.

By the time everything is set out, Bindi had appeared in the kitchen.

"Looks lovely mum," she greets, giving Terri a kiss on the cheek.

She sits down at the table and picks out two smaller pancakes, pouring some organic syrup on the side. Ms. Irwin connects eyes with me and gives a knowing smirk. That lady really knows a lot about her kids.

I take a seat diagonal to Bindi and plop some pancakes on my own plate, adding my favorite toppings.

"I think Robert's still asleep," Bindi announces. I glance up at her and follow her gaze to Terri. It seems as though Bindi disapproves of him sleeping late.

"Hmm. Well that's odd," Ms. Irwin agrees. "Um. I need to get ready right now but Bindi if you'd like, why don't you go wake him up?"

"Oh, I don't think that's necessary," Bindi assures. "I just was thinking that if he's still asleep, he must not be going to bed early enough. For whatever reason."

Ms. Irwin nods and heads towards the downstairs bathroom. I feel slightly awkward with it being just Bindi and myself, as we haven't interacted much during my stay here.

Luckily, Robert comes slumping down the stairs less than a minute after Terri had left. Relieved, I take a bite out if my pancake and pretend to observe the fabric of the table cloth.

"Good Morning Robert." Bindi smiles towards him, but Robert doesn't seem to notice. In response, he rubs his eyes and grabs a plate. "Did you sleep well?"

Robert takes a sit in front of me, next to Bindi, and reaches for the plate of chocolate chip pancakes.

"I slept fine," he grumbles. She doesn't seem to believe him, but lets it be. The table is silent for a while as we all munch on our pancakes until Robert seems to have woken up a little more.

"So, Y/N, are you excited for today?" he asks.

I nearly choke on my pancake from that. I've gotten closer to Robert over the past 9 days that I've been here, but he usually only talks to me for work related reasons. He's not much of a conversationalist.

I regain my composure and attempt to respond but nothing seems right. After thirty seconds or so, I just let the words roll out. Whatever is honest and true.

"Well. You know what? I actually am, in a way." I place my fork down and prop my face up on my hand. "But I'm also nervous. I don't want to fail any of the tests and delay our expedition. I'm eager to just get out there."

Robert smiles faintly and a small part of me feels proud.

"I don't think there's anything for you to worry about," he confesses. "You're a very fast learner, Y/N, and we'll review everything you need to know before your test today."

I can't form a proper thank you in my mouth, so I offer a large grin and nod my head. Ms. Irwin comes back from the bathroom not long after, and claps her hands together.

"Come on troops let's go, go, go!"

I gather our dishes and place them in the sink. Today should be a good day.

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