I smiled at her and held her close to me, I felt her body heat go up as I closed my eyes again.

(Y/N) : "That's good then, sweet dreams"

I felt her relax after that and snuggled right into my chest. The next thing she said made me smile.

Tohru : "Thank you"

-The Next Day-

(Y/N) : "Alright, I'll be gone for about 8 hours so please try to learn how to be a proper maid while I'm gone"

(Y/N) : "Everything you need to learn is on the internet"

Tohru looked at me confused as I bonked my own head at my mistake.

(Y/N) : 'Forgot she's from another world'

After showing Tohru how to use the internet, I left the house with a handmade boxed lunch she made herself. Awfully kind of her, how long has it been since I've had a homemade lunch from someone else? I haven't needed a nanny in years and Mom was always so busy, why am I just thinking about this now?

I shook the thoughts away and continued on my way to school, when I arrived I heard a whole bunch of students talking.

Student A : "Did you hear? Another transfer just arrived!"

Student G : "Hear she's got long golden hair and beauty to match it up"

Student J : "Only thing is, she's in the same class as the perverted trio"

Wow, its already hard enough to deal with all this excitement but she's stuck in the same class as the perverted trio? God must really hate this girl"

When lunch came around, I stared up at the cloudy sky worrying if it was gonna rain at all.

(Y/N) : "Damn, didn't bring an umbrella"

Suddenly, the clouds disappeared by a strange beam coming from my house's general direction.

(Y/N) : "Dammit Tohru, that's not how a maid acts normal!"

3rd POV

As the clouds disappeared from Tohru's magic attack, the devils sensed the powerful energy and grew terrified at its intensity.

Rias : "What in the name of Lucifer was that?"

Akeno : "Something powerful and dangerous"

Koneko and Kiba rushed into the ORC room to see Rias with a terrified expression.

Kiba : "Guessing you felt it too?"

Rias and Akeno both nod as Issei and Asia entered.

Issei : "Did anybody else feel that?"

Koneko : "Of course numb nuts"

Asia : "What do you think it is?"

Suddenly Issei's arm glowed green and spoke.

Ddraig : 'If she's here then this town is finished'

As the others thought of what to do, Sona and the rest of her peerage walk into the ORC with papers in hand.

Rias : "Any idea where the source came from Sona?"

Sona : "Somewhat, we don't have a precise location but we've got a general area we can search"

Sona lays down a map showing off the various living districts in Kuoh, she points to the district (Y/N) lives in, while said boy was currently enjoying the homemade lunch made for him.

(Y/N) : "I'll just let Tohru off with a warning"

As school ended, (Y/N) headed home with Sona, Rias and both of their peerages close behind.

Sona : "From what we know it lives around here, we'll spread out in pairs of two, if anybody finds the beast alert the others somehow"

Everyone nodded as they split up, as they did, (Y/N) entered a clothing shop and bought some clothes for Tohru to wear when she's relaxing.

(Y/N) : "I wonder if Tohru will like it? I sure hope so, the shop didn't have anything smaller"

A few minutes later (Y/N) entered his home to see Tohru cleaning the floor.

Tohru : "Welcome home (Y/N)"

(Y/N) : "Hi Tohru, anything happen today?"

Tohru : "Not really, I was very lonely"

(Y/N) : "Sorry to hear that"

Tohru : "I also didn't get to kill them"

(Y/N) : "Aww too bad, Wait, what?!"

His Dragon Maid and Guardian (Male Reader x Highschool DxD x Dragon Maid)Where stories live. Discover now