Chapter 1- The beginning

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Third person's pov.

"Shhhhh the baby is asleep" Sarah Palin said quietly to her husband, Henry Palin, who stood by the door. Sarah looked back at her one month old baby, Ember, who lay asleep in her crib with adoration.

Both parents didn't think the child would ever sleep, she spent hours screaming her head off. They knew this was normal though, baby Custos Ardere's are very demanding after all.

Their short tempers and insatiable need for their mother's flame essence makes a Custos Ardere child, one of the hardest challenges a parent could face.

Sarah pushed her husband out of the room gently, "time for us to sleep" she muttered as her exhausted body walked to her bedroom. It wasn't long before both parents were asleep.

And it didn't take long for poachers to break into the house.

Custos Ardere babies go for a hefty price on black market, they make excellent guard dogs if trained correctly. The first room they came across was the parents room, quietly looking for the babies room.

When they found the babies room, they didn't realize that Sarah had begun to stir in her sleep, sensing something was wrong.

A loud creak of a floor board under the weight of a poacher woke Ember from her nap. Her glowing eyes dazzled the poachers, they weren't red or orange but both. It looked like there was a fire set in both her eyes. Ember started to cry a horrible high pitched wail, to the poacher it sounded no different from a normal cry. But to the now awake parents, it was like comparing a opera singers voice to the ringing church bells. To them, it was a cry for help.

They burst into Embers room just as the poacher picked up Ember, flames burst from their skin and their eyes glowed brilliantly. They would smell the fear coming from the poachers, everyone knew not to mess with a angry Custos Ardere.

"Take the child now, RUN!" a poacher yelled and the one holding the baby jumped out the open window and landed gracefully on the ground below. Sarah snarled and ran down the stairs and outside, she wasn't going to let her only child go that easily.

The poacher was halfway to their car when a ball of fire smashed into their get-away van, instant incineration. The second fire ball hit the poacher in the back, this one less powerful but still burned the man to a crisp. When Sarah reached the burning man, Ember was smiling up at her.

Sarah smiled back, she knew little Ember could take a hit.

"Sarah! Ember!" Henry called as he ran out of the now burning house, smiling from ear to ear when she saw is wife and daughter were just fine.

They were so distracted, they didn't notice that the third poacher had made it out of the fire, burned beyond saving but still alive. He raised his gun and fired, the bullet pierced Henrys skull just above the neck, instantly killing him. If he couldn't bring his boss a live baby Custos Ardere, he would give him a dead adult one.

Sarah watched her husband hit the concrete, falling like a house of cards. The third poacher died right after Henry, his burns too severe to live through. Embers giggled at her mother's face, not understanding what just happened.

Sarah then realized that no matter where she goes, Ember won't be save with her.

The drive to the orphanage was a short, yet long one. Sarah knew this was the only way to keep her baby save. Ember must grow up as a normal child, not a Wesen child.

14 years later~

Ember raced down the orphanages halls, she knew she was going to win the race. She just knew it. She was the strongest, fastest and smartest kid in the orphanage and yet the challenges of her superiority keep coming.

She rounded the corner and was about to make it to the finish line, the kitchen, when she was grabbed by her arm. Ms. Ambrose gripped her arm tightly, she was the meanest lady in the building. She was horrible to the kids, and she hated Ember.

When Ember's 'friends' saw who had grabbed her, they raced off in the other dirrection. They lived for getting the younger girl in trouble.

"You little pest. When will you learn that there is no running in the hallways! You know why you're here brat, because mummy and daddy didn't want you! And neither do I. I ought to throw you out of this orphanage on your bum."

Ms. Ambrose stopped speaking when a nurse walked by, waiting for the thin waisted whore to move along before yelling more. Ember stared at her quietly, wondering if she how loud the bitch would scream if she set her on fire.

Ember discovered her abilities when she was ten, accidentally setting her trashcan on fire.

"The next time I catch you stirring up trouble in my halls, will be the last time you have a bed here" Ms. Ambrose walked away slowly, she didn't notice the small smirk on Ember's face.

"Okay then Ms. Ambrose, you just won't catch me" she muttered to her self and walked away planning her next mischief game.

Two weeks later, Ember decided to act on her most devious plan yet. When all of the staff were in their conference room eating lunch, Ember snuck into Ms. Ambrose's office.

Quickly she pulled every single nail out of her desk and into a small present box and did the same with her chair. She placed the present box onto the desk very carefully and snuck back out into the lunch hall. She still had time to eat and chat with her friends.

Thirty minutes later, a loud bellowing scream was heard and a huge boom.

Ember didn't know if that was Ms. Ambrose's desk collapsing or the sound her bum made when it hit the wooden floor.

Ember stopped laughing when Kayla, one of her friends, ran up saying Ms. Ambrose was coming this way.

Ms. Ambrose took one glance at Ember's face and knew she did it, the way she didn't even try to cover up her satisfied smirk made Ms. Ambrose even angrier. Ms. Ambrose grabbed the back of Ember's shirt and hauled her up, dragging her down the hallway and to the front door.

Ms. Ambrose threw Ember outside into the cold. "You can't kick me out, I'm not eighteen yet, I have four more years to go!" Ember yelled loudly, knowing she was right.

"I don't care. Don't like what I'm doing? Sue me. Oh wait you can't you're not eighteen yet" Ms. Ambrose said and slammed the door in Ember's face.

It wasn't long before a nurse came out with Ember's things. "Can you just let me back inside?" Ember asked and the nurse shook her head. "Ms. Ambrose said you're nothing but trouble and if we let you inside we will be fired, she wanted to burn your things, I saved them for you".

The nurse glanced around before handing Ember a thick envelope. "I managed to put together a thousand or two for you to get by, but I couldn't do much more" she said and Ember glanced inside the envelope, hundreds of dollars stared back at her.

The nurse smiled sadly and went back inside after bidding Ember goodbye.

Nothing but trouble, huh.

Ember scoffed into the night and started her way down the empty street.

It wasn't like she went looking for trouble, it's Trubel that finds her.


Custos Ardere- Burning Guardian, basically a Phoenix but different enough that I felt the need to make my own new Wesen.

From Ashes  (Trubel- Teressa Rubel)Where stories live. Discover now