♡ It was worth it ♡

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Request By: MyLittleGalaxy279

Main Characters:
James: Age/ 18
Thomas: Age/19

James's P.O.V

  Today I'm very nervous, you see I'm suppose to be baby sitting one of my friend's siblings. It was all going fine until Thomas walked through the door. He tried flirting with me in front of the eight year old boy who was clueless to what was going on ( thankfully ).

  "Thomas I don't think the parents are gonna be to keen on you being here, I'm suppose to be taking care of him not you."

  "Fine." Thomas pouted.

  I ignored him and started making the kid lunch, It's not like I didn't want to be alone with Thomas. It's just that now's not the time. As revenge Thomas started earning the kid's favoritisms by making him laugh and drawing with him.

  "Thomas do you get the fact that you're not suppose to be here!?"

  "Oh I know James."

  "So leave."

  "No. I'm staying here with you." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

I blushed and rolled my eyes. Then went back to watching the two have fun together. When it was almost time for the parents to come home, the kid was already put to sleep but Thomas became even more flirtatious.

  He nibbled my ear and groped me, "Stop~"

"You know you like this~"

============Smut Warning========

"Wait till they get home then we can leave and take this somewhere else~"

"Come on how much time do you have~?"

"About ten minutes."

"I can make you come in 10 minutes."

He then lead me upstairs to the parent's room, "Tommy~ We're not allowed in here~"

"But at yet you're whinning on the bed and spreading your legs for me~"

"Shut up~ just get on with it." I then flip over onto my stomach.  He undress himself and me then covers my mouth with his hand and pushes into me.

  "Ah~!" But my screams were muffled as I felt my entrance tighten around him. This made him let out a little gasp.

  He then asked if he could start moving. I gave him nod and he moved quickly into me.

"Tommy~!" I felt tears well up in my eyes because of how good this felt to top it off I was drooling which made him smirk.

  He kept going and as both of us were about to release the couple walked in on us. The lady screamed and Thomas and I do the responsible thing to, jump out the window.

  The couple began chasing us out then we made it to Thomas' car and drove away, back to his house and we finished where we left off
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~

"I'm so fired." I told Thomas as I laid on his chest.

"But it was worth it~"

"Yes it was, Thomas."

"Does this make you my boyfriend~?"

"You got me fired from my first job!"

"Your point?"

"Lets go on a date tomorrow."

"That's what I like to hear." Then we kissed and went to sleep in each other's arms.

The next day

Thomas picked a place to take me out for dinner, it was sweet of him to do this form me after I tried to get him to leave. "Hey Thomas?"

"Yeah?" He responded as he was getting ready.

"I'm glad you came and didn't leave."

"I'm glad I didn't leave you to."

"I love you, and this was worth loosing my job over." I giggled.

"I love you to James."


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